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  1. KenAncients

    RG2228 Owners Check-In

    checkin in!
  2. KenAncients

    DANZA guitarist playing Agile Intrepid Pro

    You can shoot Josh a friend request on Facebook he accepts em all i believe. He was selling a 26 inch scale Agile and I asked him how the F sharp sounded on the 26 inch scale? From reading SSO I've heard its preferred to at least use a 28 or 30. But from him selling a 26 It seems this isnt his...
  3. KenAncients

    Rg2228 could I of done better for the price?

    Thank you guys for the advice, I feel more confident in this purchase for sure. I'd post pics when i get it but i imagine it'll look the exact same as everyone elses haha.
  4. KenAncients

    Rg2228 could I of done better for the price?

    I just ordered an Rg2228 threw a local music store here and it was the highest production model 8 string i can find. It was also 27inch scale which is what i was wanting (as well as set bridge, wanted neck thru tho). But looking at the specs I find it's basswood, rosewood, and bolt on. Forgive...
  5. KenAncients

    Is that an 8-string I see in the hands of Tony MacAlpine ?

    Ok no response from him. I guess im not cool enough to ask him questions lol.
  6. KenAncients

    What Song Is Stuck In Your Head? This song is about his gf of a long time being pregnant and not telling him. They're arguing in the car when she gets in a wreck and the baby dies. She tells him that she lost the baby, and that was the last thing...
  7. KenAncients

    My band signed to SUMERIAN RECORDS!

    Dude Abacaab (imo mediocre emmure rip) crashed at my place for 3 days and like they spoke of having to work jobs when not on tour. And when they were on tour they got 5 bucks a piece to make it through the day and live off of. It was terrible. They were decent guys (besides this) they stole...
  8. KenAncients

    Is that an 8-string I see in the hands of Tony MacAlpine ?

    I didnt realize him and I were facebook friends. I asked him about the model waiting on a response on the specs.
  9. KenAncients

    My band signed to SUMERIAN RECORDS!

    Tis decent! I hope to god Sumarian treats you better then they do Abacaab!
  10. KenAncients iphone app.

    I have an iphone 3gs and I can load this as well, but browsing threads and keeping up to date with what all you guys say is troublesome. Long load times, responding to post is problematic. I own an Ibanez Rg2228 and constantly check the extended range section. It would be amazing if I could get...
  11. KenAncients

    Tech Metal Fans Enter! AWESOME Stuff!

    Oh wow the Voice Gajic didn't start this thread? Anyway the guy who did Pinocchio Effect became the guitarist for a band called Sea of Treachery. Now after only hearing Voice Gajic's youtube video of Pinocchio Effect I surely thought Sea of Treachery was going to be better band backed by decent...
  12. KenAncients

    Tech Metal Fans Enter! AWESOME Stuff!

    dude i've listened to this on youtube with you playing. I grooved to it, i heard you where in a new band, i thought if you brought your style like the vid i saw into that band, you'd be epic. But you toned it down sir. You weren't as techish :S btw, if you have the guitar pro i'd love to post a...
  13. KenAncients iphone app.

    Seeing as I work full time and love this site I just wish I could take it on the go. I mean this does sound like a great idea right? I wonder how we can get the ball moving on this, surely it could be a profitable expansion of this site. And even as an iPhone app charging $.99, if 20 percent of...
  14. KenAncients iphone app.

    How amazing would it be if this site had a web based format for smart phones? Or an iphone app to help browse threads and post. I'd help fund anyone that wants to go for it!
  15. KenAncients

    What's the most ignorant thing anyone has ever said to you about music?

    DA:Dude Joey Jordanson from slipknot is the best drummer ever. Me:"Oh really? What makes you believe that? DA:He was strapped to a seat and played drums suspended. Me:Oh your right , he must be the best drummer in the world. I know I couldn't play guitar without my feet on the ground"(sarcasm)
  16. KenAncients

    Can you tune an 8 string Agile Interceptor Pro 828 up? v(Kahler Pro 2228K)

    and sorry for the last remark i understand what you mean now, I meant when i lowered the tuning on my second guitar (which was floyd rose) the butt end of the bridge came up and the front went down.
  17. KenAncients

    Can you tune an 8 string Agile Interceptor Pro 828 up? v(Kahler Pro 2228K)

    He's raising the tuning to A,E,A,D,G,B,E not lowering it. And imo it would raise the bridge :P
  18. KenAncients

    Can you tune an 8 string Agile Interceptor Pro 828 up? v(Kahler Pro 2228K)

    Ok guys so I want to thank you all for your input and knowledge! He is going with an LTD Sc 608 and its a 27" scale so the tuning up will be less of a problem plus he won't have to worryabout the floyd/kahler acting up under a unique tuning.
  19. KenAncients

    Can you tune an 8 string Agile Interceptor Pro 828 up? v(Kahler Pro 2228K)

    From my experience with Floyd Rose, down tuning raises the bridge and makes it unplayable. I have a friend who's interested in the Agile Interceptor Pro 828 but wants to tune it to A,E,A,D,G,B,E,A will the Kahler Pro 2228 trimilo be a problem?
  20. KenAncients

    8 String Tuning below F#, E and beyond…

    I personally use my 8 string in A,E,A,D,G,B,E,A I know this is totally achievable on six string guitars on a .65 but i just cant seem to stay away from it. Anything below the F sharp makes my writing sound to meshuggahish, even when I don't ride the low F#.