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    Guitarist you most want to see pick up a 7

    I think Tim would need to be louder in the mix. He tends to use a loose and warm tone and sit under Tim's lead parts, but I think it would benefit if his tone cut through more. Listen at 1:37 in Palms Read. That's exactly the kind of thing I could see him doing with a 7. Just more in focus.
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    Noisegate and/or Compressor?

    Gate for sure. Semi-pro said it. Gate = need, Compressor = want.
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    Guitarist you most want to see pick up a 7

    YES Edit: Glad to see all the Protest The Hero love in this thread. They really would kick ass on 7s.
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    Guitarist you most want to see pick up a 7

    I think he'd need to build a 7 out of an ironing board. Anything else would be too easy, and therefore take no skill. Marco Sfogli, Thomas Erak and Alex Pareja (if the bands I knew them from, TFOT and TN12LLY respectively, were still around), David Gilmour, Joel Parent (Ninjaspy), Skwisgaar and...
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    Dimarzio Injectors - new Paul Gilbert Sig pickups

    THESE are going in the middle and neck positions when I make my strat HSS.
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    NED!, New Electronics Day

    Good call. The D-Sonic sounds awesome blade-to-the-bridge.
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    Pickupgrade on Douglas SR370 and friends.

    Now that you mention Misha, I really think my Aftermath or Cold Sweat suggestion is relevant. Both are super clear on the low strings, and the Cold Sweat neck is said to do JP's lead tones well.
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    NPD - What could it be?

    Heres a shameless random-noodling clip of the bridge aftermath. Unfortunately the only online music thing I'm signed up for is myspace. I just threw this clip up on an old account that I never used. Myspace makes everything sound crappy quality, but the pickup's character is still there. No...
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    The Big Ol' 2011 NAMM Rumour mill!!

    Revolutionary! I hope "90s-bathtub greenish-yellow" is a finish option. That's a $5000 guitar as long as they include bagpipe and kazoo loops.
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    Pickupgrade on Douglas SR370 and friends.

    Pro BKP response: Aftermath or Cold Sweat for the Douglas...but your Bb is...suh-suh-suh-seventyyyy? Miracle Man or Aftermath for the Ibanez and pretty much whatever you want for the Washburn. BKP free response: Evos for the Douglas, CL/LF for the Ibanez, again anything you like for the...
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    The Big Ol' 2011 NAMM Rumour mill!!

    Can anyone confirm the rumor that Gibson is releasing an upside-down telecaster with 15 frets, a floating OFR, a locking nut that only locks while you're playing and built in MIDI loops?
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    NPD - What could it be?

    Will do, I just have to sort our a high-volume feedback issue with the way I have them mounted. I'm going to stick foam under the pickups soon and see how that does. If I still have problems, I'll record on the highest volume possible. Yeah, Nolly basically told me about the C-Math and I asked...
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    Halp! My house is microphonic alien-zombie-ghosts

    That's what Ben from BKP told me. I'll try it today.
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    Bugera 333!!

    Not if it's coming from inside the amp. A noise gate will only block sounds occurring previously in the signal chain. ;)
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    Halp! My house is microphonic alien-zombie-ghosts

    No, I've lived in this house for more than 10 years. Today I solved the ringing but I'm still getting the feedback in my 7 with newly installed Aftermaths. When I grab the pickup on both ends with my thumb and forefinger, the feedback stops. That tells me the entire pickup is vibrating...
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    Lundgren replacing p90s, different Bareknuckle pickups

    I don't know about putting the M6 in your double-cut, but Aftermaths are exactly what you're looking for in your BKP dedicated paragraph. For versatility's sake, I'd take a serious look at getting a humbucker guitar without a trem. An LTD 400 series or some sort of Schecter would do the trick...
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    NPD - What could it be?

    Well, this supposedly arrived at my house last wednesday, but since the mailman is antisocial the bell didn't ring (just kidding, I'm a lazy slacker and I overslept). So I went to the post office that evening and received a mysterious package... ...and opened it to find a mysterious box. For...
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    NBD... but I might send it back! (no pics yet)

    I've never owned an Ibby, but in the store I've played a wide range of their stuff. The QC has been consistently passable (a blip in the finish here, a bad fret there) but never like what you described. Of course all the prestige axes I've played are spotless. My vote: Send it back and get what...
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    My finger has been sliced open by my e string!!!!!!

    Two things. First, you gotta build your callouses. Play until your fingers burn. Second, work on playing with a light touch. I know digging in and ravaging your frets is awesome (and slightly necessary making a huge bend), but it's most effective to develop a sense of gentle-touch = brutal...
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    Halp! My house is microphonic alien-zombie-ghosts

    Yeah. The new 12AX7s were duds. Put the old ones back in and the volume is back. One thing I noticed was when I first installed the new tubes there was the same ringing and feedback. The power tubes aren't causing it. Feedback aside, could something in the power-supply cause too much resonance...