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  1. Riffmagus

    Plexi 8 Grind Clip - Agile and 11R

    Well, this is my first offering with my new 11R. Using my Agile 8 and Plexi Model with a T/Screamer infront. Mostly some off the cuff riffs - recording via USB into Reaper on my netbook. It's a thick, dirty, huge sound - which I know needs a some tweaking - but appreciate hearing what people...
  2. Riffmagus

    Ditching the 8th string??

    After a good three weeks away from the guitar - I was itching to get back to my Agile. But, it also make me realise that for my style I find it very hard to incorporate any low F# stuff. It seems more of a barrier. To prove my point, I took the low F# off - tuned the other 7 strings down 1...
  3. Riffmagus

    Eleven Rack + PODX3 =

    Well, I'm going to check it out in the coming weeks - I have just reached a crunch point with the POD modelling and lack of feel and dynamics. Hell - I might even end up just getting a small tube amp such as a Blackstar - but I shall check out the Eleven with my Agile as for ever diss there is...
  4. Riffmagus

    Eleven Rack + PODX3 =

    Anyone know? As much as I would like an Axe Fx Ultra, it's just not going to happen in the next few years. I have been getting back into my POD X3 but am wondering how it would would alongside/with an Eleven Rack? As the Eleven rack is around £700 here, that's achieveable for me - but the...
  5. Riffmagus

    Thinking about starting afresh - Amp for my 8 string...

    I have had my Pod X3 for around 2 years now. It's served me well - but never given me a distortion tone I have been happy to settle on. For one or two sessions, it sounds great - then I come back to it and my ears have changed. In short, I'm thinking of starting afresh. Nothing big, as I...
  6. Riffmagus

    Playing Agile 8 with NO tone control...Pot and Cap advice please!

    Hey all, I have been getting back to my Stoner / Doom roots and been playing around with the Agile 8 with the tone controls dimed all the way back - so '0'. I love the warm, round sound - which with the para eq on the Pod X3 boosted around 1.6 and 3.2 helps bring out the pick attack. But it's...
  7. Riffmagus

    Anyone using extended range (8+) guitars for other than technical and/or metal?

    I bagged myself an 8 string - thinking I would spend my time gravitating towards some more Meshuggah type stuff. All it has done is make me realise what my meager strengths are - and stick to them. Sure, the f# might be a bugger to initially incorporate into ideas - but it will get there. I'm...
  8. Riffmagus

    Best way to keep natural maple f/board clean?

    I have some Dr. Duck's Ax Wax - will this be fine to use on the neck on my Agile 828 Pro? It's unfinished, so I figured each time I change strings, I'll run the wax over it to clean it up and get rid of the grime that builds up behind the frets. It certainly states it's a very safe polish for...
  9. Riffmagus

    Tuned My Agile up 1/2 step - neck issues?

    Many thanks for the input guys. I'm going to leave the guitar for a week or so and just play it - to confirm that I am 100% happy to settle on that tuning. Then, I shall follow the 1/4" turn and leave overnight rule. With the Dual Truss Rod's in the Agile do I simply adjust both of them? Or...
  10. Riffmagus

    Tuned My Agile up 1/2 step - neck issues?

    It's currently showing as a little sharp on all strings when in tuning for open.
  11. Riffmagus

    Tuned My Agile up 1/2 step - neck issues?

    But, if I like the action as it plays now - am I going to be looking at any issues if I keep it in this tuning? It's times like this I wish I was more comfortable with the 'tech' side of things. Gah.
  12. Riffmagus

    Tuned My Agile up 1/2 step - neck issues?

    Awesome, ty guys. *dons dunce tuning 101 hat*
  13. Riffmagus

    Tuned My Agile up 1/2 step - neck issues?

    Strings are 'Rondo Recommended' 9 12 15 22 30 40 54 and a 72 with cherry on top. Tbh, the tension felt FAR too spongy before and damn right about now. :)
  14. Riffmagus

    Tuned My Agile up 1/2 step - neck issues?

    I might be being an ignoramus here - but is that not 1/2 a step DOWN than standard & string tuning?
  15. Riffmagus

    Tuned My Agile up 1/2 step - neck issues?

    Getting to grips with my 8 string last night, and in a bizarre move tuned it all UP 1/2 a step G,C,F,Bb,Eb,Ab,C,F. Love the sound of it. Really. Turned it into an awesome Stoner/Doom riff machine. :bowdown::hbang: BIG Question is it likely to harm the neck of the guitar? I can't see much...
  16. Riffmagus

    EQ Help with 8 string...retaining chug and clarity..

    I'd really appreciate some help here! With the Parametric EQ on my POD X3 I'd appreciate some advice. I'm looking to setup a heavy tone which remains clear on all strings, plenty of definition on the low F# and still has the chugga-chugga factor.. A good point of reference in my head is...
  17. Riffmagus

    Idea for an 8 string tuning

    Out of interest - what 8 string you thinking of getting?
  18. Riffmagus

    Idea for 8 string tuning - Input please!

    Mmmmm. Drone - SOLD! I'm quickly realising that I shall never be a Meshuggah / Djent riffmaster. So I'm just falling back on the feel and pedal tones of Doom on the 8 string. The new Pelican record is mighty fine.
  19. Riffmagus

    Using Pod X3 with Flat Response Headphones..

    I'm using my POD X3 with a pair of Audio Technicia ATH-M50 cans.... I have been able to get a decent tone/s out of my six strings - but my 8 is going to take some tweaking. What sounds good @ quiet levels, when cranked becomes an unusable beast - and shit to boot. Is it best to run the X3...