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  1. Aghorasilat

    Marshall sounds like ass

    Some marshalls are truly great... either you played stuff (gear) that sucked or you didn't set them right. I have played some 800's & 2000's that are great when used right. Look at NILE....ALWAYs with their marshall rig...
  2. Aghorasilat

    Shred III more...
  3. Aghorasilat

    Damn, Eddie's looking healthy

    well not that anyones asked but i am pretty sure it was all the years of cigaretts. I wish Eddie the best. I hope he gets healthier. santiago
  4. Aghorasilat

    I guess this can go here? (Theremin Zelda thing)

    my sister once built one of those
  5. Aghorasilat


    Poly rhythm is when you super impose 2 or more seperate rhythms that have different tempos and or timing on top of a common pulse. So you would play for example a 4/4 and on top of that you are counting either a 3 against the 4 or a 2 against the 4 or a 5 or a 6 or a 7, etc... Polymeter is when...
  6. Aghorasilat

    Shred II

    Andreas Oberg This guy is a BEAST!:shred: :shred: :shred: :shred: :hbang: Peace Santiago Dobles
  7. Aghorasilat

    Best phrasing...your votes!

    The dimarzio add does look a little fruity but i don't think that has anything to do with Ego. At least its not as fruity as Vai's Ad.:lol: He looks like my step mom with an axe! And.... levelhead86 there is nothing wrong with Pumping Iron. :hbang: More power to John P for staying...
  8. Aghorasilat

    Best phrasing...your votes!

    Its like marty's but more dramatic
  9. Aghorasilat

    My dream!

    Ibanez...NOOOOOOO Just kidding
  10. Aghorasilat

    Best phrasing...your votes!

  11. Aghorasilat

    KxK 7 string

    that rocks i played one at namm. rob is amazing.
  12. Aghorasilat

    Peavey TripleXXX Dry Tone.. help ?

    Change the amp or try Ruby tubes
  13. Aghorasilat

  14. Aghorasilat

    Best phrasing...your votes!

    EDDIE VAN HALEN Jon Maclauglin, Holdsworth Brett Garsed Nuno Bettencourt Satch Vai Greg Howe Robbin Ford Yngwie
  15. Aghorasilat

    Satch 7 string...

    gee its mahogany..what a surprise.... SATCH always has incredible tone live. No BBE...No Basswood.
  16. Aghorasilat

    BBE Sonic Maximizer

    Tone is a matter of preference but Cutting through in a mix is a matter of understaning frequencies.... If you cutt through in your live sound amongst your drummer & bass chances are you have "Good" tone.... Which is beyond "subjectivity". This is why I disagree a lot of times when people...
  17. Aghorasilat

    BBE Sonic Maximizer

  18. Aghorasilat

    BBE Sonic Maximizer

    Thanks... I used them before when I had the RACK going on. I had one for a while then i said ......BYPASS! It does help boost and add a certain "wow" but once you are playing with a drummer and his cymbal work is smashing and his double bass is cooking your tone goes to .......MUD...