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  1. Aghorasilat


    I am a fan !Very great record the last one...
  2. Aghorasilat

    New Agile Interceptor Pro (Neck-thru, EMGs)

    I am on one once some extra KACHING $$$ comes my way KURT GREAT JOB!
  3. Aghorasilat

    Rogue STR-1 Pro Electric Sitar Guitar

    those sound great but are very hard to keep in tune. Santiago Dobles
  4. Aghorasilat

    Black Label Society is pretty cool!

    P&G is great album!
  5. Aghorasilat

    This is insane!!! tremolo!!picking!!!

    i saw the three of them in miami years ago. AMAZING
  6. Aghorasilat

    Cab suggestions please!

    EMINENCE RULE! I use eminence private Jakcs in my Madisons they are similar to V 75's Very nice Punchy & cut through But knowing you personally mister will like V 30's or eminence Governers
  7. Aghorasilat

    Cab suggestions please!

    Straight Cabs sound better on stage
  8. Aghorasilat

    This is insane!!! tremolo!!picking!!!

    Derek Roddy can actually play guitar better than most people I know. He was a guitarist first before a monster Drummer! He is an incredible musician and person. Santiago Dobles
  9. Aghorasilat

    Studio monitors?

    couldn't agree with you more... cheap decent mon's ...event more pricey....Tannoy gold 12" & KILLER ADAMS....I WANT! Jerich I am going to be recording the MANDRAKE soon. Hitch is gonna make me some almost Flat Monitors to high specs to play with. santiago
  10. Aghorasilat

    This is insane!!! tremolo!!picking!!!

    talent!!! :
  11. Aghorasilat

    This is insane!!! tremolo!!picking!!!

    He is GOD. His video is incredible! However I wished it should more his technique & his rhythmic groupings he used in Shakti era & when he plays with Paco... or "Que alegria.." Oh well transcribing is still the best instructional DVD....
  12. Aghorasilat

    Which wood would you pick, and why?

    Mahogany has a lot to do with it also for that sound..
  13. Aghorasilat

    Which wood would you pick, and why?

    Uh..yes but its being mic'd with a Heil PR 30 & API mic pre..that gives it a certain smoothness and grit associated with his sound. Deizel alone will not get you that sound.
  14. Aghorasilat

    This is insane!!! tremolo!!picking!!!

    Bullshit = Talent =
  15. Aghorasilat

    This is insane!!! tremolo!!picking!!!

    I agree I think its doable any one who comes from a death metal back ground with some average chops can do this. Have you ever seen Paul Masvidal pick with his elbow? Its fast if not faster than this.... If you listen to ERIC RUTAN:hbang: he has this guy beat in a heart beat and at least its...
  16. Aghorasilat

    Thoughts on the Agile Interceptor? thinking about getting one

    jerich's pu's are great! They have a lot gain yet VERY Smooth. :yesway: you should try those. Santiago Dobles
  17. Aghorasilat

    Who here has the most 7s?

    Toshi has more sevens than anyone in the WORLD...He is a cool cat. I hope the person that stole your killer CARVIN has their nuts Implode...STEALING GUITARS is HIGHLY RETARDED!
  18. Aghorasilat

    Who here has the most 7s?

    I had to say that just to get you out of the cave everyonce in a while.....:wavey: Dude I hope you realize I was kidding :lol: TAX write offs are great. I am bout to do that for my SSL plugins. I love you bro!:hbang: And all your axes rule:hbang: I have a total of : 3 7strings (1...
  19. Aghorasilat

    Cab suggestions please!

    Yo Mister...Ekendahl..... go with either Celestion v30's or v 75's or a combo of v30's & v75 a lot of pro metal guys do that. Mesa cabs do not sound that good in studio compared to Marshall 1960's , Orange, or Madisons Peace Santiago
  20. Aghorasilat

    Thoughts on the Agile Interceptor? thinking about getting one

    It worked GREAT for Chuck Schuldiner.....:hbang: