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  1. Aghorasilat

    Who would you like to see interviewed by

    yeah just wait till he has a few drinks.....
  2. Aghorasilat

    Who would you like to see interviewed by

    i was giving glen benton the fnger cause he was such a douche bag at the show we played with him. I backlined ALL his gear he didn't even thank us after. Aside from the fact he was a total Douchbag to everyone. Jack plays 6 string in deicide.
  3. Aghorasilat

    Who would you like to see interviewed by Paul Gilbert!
  4. Aghorasilat

    Who would you like to see interviewed by

    :fawk: Glen Benton:fawk:
  5. Aghorasilat


    As far as I know he took lessons in classical guitar & Jazz.
  6. Aghorasilat

    Aghora Live
  7. Aghorasilat


    Thanks! Actually to be honest with you I took only a handful of lessons with Paul when I was 15. We worked on Standards, playing over changes, 12 bar blues. Not much Chops or phrasing to be honest. Paul is great player and a influence when it came to music as a whole more so than on guitar...
  8. Aghorasilat

    Aghora Live

  9. Aghorasilat

    Aghora Live

    Tomorrow we play with Deicide. That should be a killer show! Aghora, Mandrake, Deicide Ralph Santolla rips! Santiago
  10. Aghorasilat

    Member Introduction Thread

    CHARLIE ROCKS!:hbang:
  11. Aghorasilat

    Favourite metal girls...(try to keep within the work-safe boundaries)

    Dana Cosley who did the death metal tours from CYNIC tour back in 93 - 94 SHE IS HOT!
  12. Aghorasilat

    Favourite metal girls...(try to keep within the work-safe boundaries)

    HAHA that is my old universe!
  13. Aghorasilat

    Jerich pickups: wiring question.

    pick ups do not sound weak at all. I have some in my agile and I have another I am gonna be installing soon in my carvin. The sound sweet nice tone and smooth leads.
  14. Aghorasilat

    Aghora Live

    awesome I will need the address of the studio. The whole band will be with me. Thanks again Santiago
  15. Aghorasilat

    Dean Rusty Cooley signiature in Europe?

    It is truly one of the best 7's I ever played. Neck reminded me of KXK 7.
  16. Aghorasilat

    Aghora Live

    Sounds like aplan do you know any promoters there?
  17. Aghorasilat

    Aghora Live

    May 19 2007 8:00P Boomerz Boiler Room Seminole (tampa bay area), Florida
  18. Aghorasilat

    Aghora Live

    Great! I have to be in Tampa on May 19th for a show maybe we could schedule it the day before or after? Let me know Thanks and take care Santiago Dobles
  19. Aghorasilat

    Aghora Live

    Chris thanks, The only reason I brought up the interview issue was cause years ago it was offered. If you had nothing to do with that.....Sorry neither did I. I would have not found out about your site if it wasn't for Jerich's involvement. Jerich is a good guy and a close friend of...
  20. Aghorasilat

    Aghora Live

    I am down...Just email me questions Regardless of whether it's published or not here its still useful for people who want to know whats up and enjoy a good read. Also you are right more association with Aghora on the site is not a bad thing for the traffic of this website...