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  1. huber

    Fuck Work!

    I work at a Game Store. My job is to know how to play games and teach customers how to play games. They pay me pretty good too. So no, as far as my job goes, work is the shit :yesway:
  2. huber

    You know who I hate...

    Different for the sake of being different? Meh, not really. Look at where they were in the beginning of their careers and then look at them now and all I see is huge maturity in song writing. Yeah and that guy in the video is a tard.
  3. huber

    You think your life's so grand

    For a new album or tour?
  4. huber

    You think your life's so grand

    My screen name is BurntBridgeToll :metal: That song pwns.
  5. huber

    Nice White ESP F-Standard!!!!!!!!

    I actually like F's a lot. I don't get why nobody in the world but me does. I have a sixer one, and even though it's a low end model it's still a killer guitar and I love it. I'd LOVE to have a 7 string F too.
  6. huber

    What is a triggered drum?

    Most bands, especially modern ones, use a miced/trigger combo. I'm not a big fan of triggers, but I understand in a lot of situations (extreme metal imparticular) it's really hard to get the bass to cut through at high speeds and triggers are almost mandatory.
  7. huber

    What's the longest note sung you've ever heard?

    The Open Face Surgery Scream is about 27 seconds. Lord Worm pwns. MJK's The Grudge scream is about 30 seconds if I remember right.
  8. huber

    What is your favorite song over 20 minutes?

    2112 really is incredible, and can never be acknowledged enough. Symphony X's The Odyssey, Meshuggah's 'I', and Tool's 10,000 Days are also favorite epics.
  9. huber

    What do you have on your Ipod/MP3 player?

    Yeah that's true. I got that CopyPod thing. I should still back it up just in case. Can't be to careful.
  10. huber makes you buy gear.

    I've bought my two halos since signing up here. That's a lot considering my income.
  11. huber

    Hurray for lazy GC employees! [56k: double secret probation]

    I'm so jealous. I want one of those things baaaaaaad. Nice score man.
  12. huber

    What do you have on your Ipod/MP3 player?

    I have a 60 gig iPod video filled to about 30 gigs with 46 days of music. If my computer crashed or something I'd cry. I really should back up my music on something.
  13. huber

    New Job For A Cowboy...

    That's what I'm talking about! I still hope there's some songs that are a call back to the Doom EP because I enjoy that style but this is a welcome improvement for me.
  14. huber

    Hell Yeah

    Meh. It's alright. I couldn't ever get REALLY into it but it aint bad.
  15. huber

    What I really dig lately...

    I love doing this. Specifically to Dream Theater and DTB + SYL.
  16. huber

    The Devin Townsend Supermegathread!

    Oh man I'm so excited for this. I'm going in for a Devin Townsend tattoo in a couple weeks.
  17. huber

    Rap Album Sales Take Nosedive...

    IMO the only quality music to come of Hip-hop has been Trip hop. I can't find myself listening to anything else. I also suspect that the increase in fans of heavy music in the past couple of years has something to do with it.
  18. huber

    XM Radio kicks ass.

    Fuck yeah dude XM is the shit. Liquid Metal :metal: ftw
  19. huber

    Interview with Otep.....

    They have a couple of good songs. Not a fan of acting the victim over nothing just for press though. Fuck that.
  20. huber

    Everyone shall administer this!

    True that about the snare. It's a bit loud in the mix. Regardless, I dig. I shall administer :agreed: