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  1. Scar Symmetry

    Another mass shooting in America

    Why does Piers Morgan have a US TV show? Everyone hates the guy. I'm glad that Alex Jones has shown his true colours though, I've never liked the guy and I want him to be exposed for the political extremist he is, in my mind he's no better than Limbaugh, just like the guy says.
  2. Scar Symmetry

    I'm back, and this guy lol

    0:14 = sexy vampire face.
  3. Scar Symmetry

    Is Black Ops 2 in your future?

    Nah, I'm really good at COD. Just finally got bored of it.
  4. Scar Symmetry

    Is Black Ops 2 in your future?

    Black Ops 2 is now in my past.
  5. Scar Symmetry

    Future of heavy music

    Despite having been around for a while, it's still relatively undeveloped. There is a vast scope of what could be done with Post-Metal and I think we'll see that explored.
  6. Scar Symmetry

    Future of heavy music

    Once Djent dies down I think we'll see a big wave of Post-Metal bands.
  7. Scar Symmetry

    yeah you too dude :hbang:

    yeah you too dude :hbang:
  8. Scar Symmetry

    Highlights of 2012?

    April-September. Then October-December. Pretty much most of the year.
  9. Scar Symmetry

    Bands MOST enhanced by their lyrics?

    Textures - Silhouettes. Deftones - any.
  10. Scar Symmetry

    Marty.F vs. RonJarz

    Marty is great, but his playing has always seemed a little loose to me. Jarzombek is just so focused and tight, with excellent note choices.
  11. Scar Symmetry

    New Soilwork song!

  12. Scar Symmetry

    The Hobbit Will Be A TRILOGY

    Pretty damn good. Wasn't bored once. Did feel a bit too familiar though.
  13. Scar Symmetry

    Another mass shooting in America

    Memo to 'murica: this shit has to stop. Everyone but gun enthusiasts think they are fucking stupid. They are not cool, they do not make you safer and because some guy with a beard way back when thought they were a good idea, does not mean that prevention of the death of thousands of people per...
  14. Scar Symmetry

    Far Cry 3!

    Just finished it. Great game, but as with most Ubisoft game it's potential was much greater than it's achievements.
  15. Scar Symmetry

    AEON Studio report:guitars!!!

    That tone is fucking huge!
  16. Scar Symmetry

    What the hell happened to Arsis?!

    This is the best stuff I've heard from them, really good!
  17. Scar Symmetry

    Sexy time music

    Bjork, Cloudkicker, Deftones are all great suggestions. A Perfect Circle/Tool isn't quite that for me, but it's close. A Deftones/Tool collab however? But of course. Also: Steven Wilson's solo albums.
  18. Scar Symmetry

    Far Cry 3!

    There are a few minor niggles I have regarding this game, but overall it's fucking awesome! One of the best FPS I've ever played, if not the best.
  19. Scar Symmetry

    Bro Metal? ( funny vid content)

    Um... nice try but Protest The Hero already did this and much better :lol:
  20. Scar Symmetry

    New Cult of Luna song online!

    It's fucking huge! :hbang: Cult Of Luna 'I: The Weapon' Single Stream | | Metal Hammer