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  1. Scar Symmetry

    I love Metal, don't like Meshuggah

    Let me start by saying that I agree with you on the last sentence. Let me then pose that although they may be lazy songwriters (and as someone that loves Meshuggah as much as I do, I give myself a free pass to criticise then), it is inescapable that they are brilliant. All of the bands...
  2. Scar Symmetry

    The Ridiculous Opinion Thread

    Ridiculous orrrrrr realistic? :lol:
  3. Scar Symmetry

    Deftones Appreciation Thread

    Such a great album.
  4. Scar Symmetry

    Your forum popularity

    Better fuckin' be, I'm awesome.
  5. Scar Symmetry

    The GTA V Thread

    Sorry, my dick is raw from the furious masturbation that has just occurred.
  6. Scar Symmetry

    "Pirates buy more music than average consumers."

    For the first time EVER, I agree 100% with 7SOH. A historical day for SSO! There's middle ground to take into account too. The 9-5 may be the job you hate that pays safe, and touring may be the job you love (in a van 24/7 with sweaty hairy men?) that pays dangerously... but there's also middle...
  7. Scar Symmetry

    So how do you feel about this:

    Completely agree with OP. It's encouraging people who think that they deserve more than they get getting arsey. No, small band, the world does not owe you, it is you who owes the world.
  8. Scar Symmetry

    Uganda Passes "Kill the Gays Bill"

    The World as a whole, in my view at least, is accelerating away from this kind of thing at a phenomenal rate, so let's hope this is short-lived and doesn't cost too many lives (whether through death, imprisonment or emotional suffering) in the mean time. Hold tight dudes and dudettes.
  9. Scar Symmetry

    "Pirates buy more music than average consumers."

    Wow, seems like this forum has finally woken up to the way things are now. I must say, I am pleased :)
  10. Scar Symmetry

    Aeon - Aeons Black (New Album Stream)

    All bands seem to release these days is 'throwback-to-the-groove'... that said, I think it's a good thing :metal:
  11. Scar Symmetry

    Deftones Appreciation Thread

    This album really is great. Deftones are definitely one of my favourite bands.
  12. Scar Symmetry

    Obama re-elected!!!!

    Obama didn’t crash the market! - President Obama Makes Major Tax Demand | TPMDC
  13. Scar Symmetry

    ESP/LTD finally releases a non-worn Tele...UK only

    Yup, pretty much my exact reaction too. Thanks for posting!
  14. Scar Symmetry

    Obama re-elected!!!!

    I don't need a history lesson thanks dude. There's more to consider than the point I think you're about to make.
  15. Scar Symmetry

    Obama re-elected!!!!

    I think you've missed the intended humour there my man. I don't hate America. Right now I LOVE America.
  16. Scar Symmetry

    Obama re-elected!!!!

    Stealth, how dare you not read between the lines of what I said. I was CLEARLY saying I fully support socialism and that's why I hate America. In all seriousness, I support Social Democracy, but I recognise the values in modern Conservatism and if he runs, I will probably support Chris...
  17. Scar Symmetry

    Obama re-elected!!!!

    (p.s. TRENCHLORD if you're reading this, we don't hate you, come back guy :))
  18. Scar Symmetry

    Obama re-elected!!!!

    The thing that excites me most is that US identity seems to be changing. The whole 'merica fuck yeah' thing is being toned down and the whole 'what those clever bastards in Europe have been doing looks like a good idea' is being toned up. Nice one 'merica :yesway: