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  1. F

    The Big Ol' 2011 NAMM Rumour mill!!

    Who cares what anybody else is coming out with this year? Gibson release a Jonas Bros. Les Paul! Our prayers have been answered!!:scream:
  2. F

    You thought Gibson Firebird X was a bad idea?

    i believe they limited the jonas bros. run to only 300 because they had a number cruncher in corporate do the math, and they figured there are only approx. 300 people in the U.S. stupid enough to buy this guitar:spock:
  3. F

    NGD - Snow White ESP M-II CTM STD

    that thing is pretty damn sweet. many congrats:yesway:
  4. F

    Customs replacing Big companies?

    im really surprised that more people dont look outside the box and look at smaller guitar builders. I was at GC a couple of months ago, and just out of sheer curiosity I asked my salesguy to show me one of the whizz-bang 6,000 dollar gibson "custom shop" les pauls that are supposedly identical...
  5. F

    Bernie Rico Jr. Jekyll 727 w/ BKP's

    bump. Would also like to throw this out there. I will consider trades for the following: Parker Fly Mojo Suhr Modern 6-string Tom Anderson 6-string Diezel Herbert Axe FX Ultra + a little cash
  6. F

    BMW Commercial

    using the same thoughts as this thread, does anybody wonder how much FedEx paid for their product placement in the movie "cast away" w/ tom hanks? lmao :dr.evil voice: 100 billion dollars! mwahahaha:lol:
  7. F

    Bernie Rico Jr. Jekyll 727 w/ BKP's

    Item Description: Bernie Rico Jr. USA Jekyll 727. I literally got this guitar brand new from Bernie about 2-3 weeks ago. Its posted up as a NGD in the sevenstring section with pics. Its a maple neck thru w/ mahogany wings, blank ebony board, 27 frets, stainless 6100 frets, grover locking tuners...
  8. F

    NGD: KxK Sii-8 Grape Eight

    when did femme looking guitars become cool? :scratch: The guitar is awesome. The color is fruity. There i said it lol...
  9. F

    Incoming Bernie Rico Jr Jekyll 727!

    This. The Jekyll body shape really isnt that far off from the shape of an Ibanez RG-style guitar. The only aspect i can see somebody liking or disliking are the headstock shapes. But I happen to love my reversed jekyll headstock.:yesway:
  10. F

    FS: Bare Knuckle Pickups (Painkiller, Nailbomb, Warpig, etc)

    Yum...sweet delicious BKP goodness...I need to get some more guitars so I have an excuse to get more BKP's...:yesway:
  11. F

    RGA Content - NPD (Horror Story) =/

    wow that is a real hack-job that guy did. Ive been pretty lucky with the labor i get from my local Sam Ash tech. Hes pretty competent in how he does stuff like setups, pickup installs, etc. However, hearing how they tried handling your situation pisses me off. Leave it to a major chain...
  12. F

    Just got my Tom Anderson Koa-top 7!!!

    that thing is awesome!! Me jealous:scream: Not crazy about the 2-bolt neck design, but I guess if theyre using it, its gotta work to some degree pretty well. Use it in good health!
  13. F

    NGD - Douglas Grendel 725's X 2

    wow that nut is the epitome of POS:lol: I love how sloppy the paint in the neck pocket is too:spock:
  14. F

    NGD: Reverse Headstock Jackson Content

    that color is pretty insane, but i really dig the guitar. Gotta love USA custom shop guitars of any kind :hbang:
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    NGD x 2!!!! ( ibby and rico jr pron)

    sweet guitars man. Love the rico, although ill admit the body does look a tad small. I also kinda wish the depth of the quilt was a little more visible.
  16. F

    NGD DEAN RC7 mahogany

    congrats on your new guitar man. But in my opinion, that guitar is ugly as sin lol. I like the grain of the mahogany on it, but thats about it...