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  1. Accoun

    New Orange Super Crush amp (Based on the Rockerverb MKIII?)

    Anyone actually had experience with the Pedal Baby? Would it be an upgrade over the power amp in the Crush Pro?
  2. Accoun

    RIP Sean Malone

    Oh hell, I goofed hard. Guess I was just tired.
  3. Accoun

    RIP Sean Malone

    No idea, but you have some great stuff to listen to for the first time. They've also announced a remaster of Traced In Air and... it's pretty bittersweet. Not only because half of the band isn't with us anymore, but while they put Sean's bass higher in the mix, they completely removed the...
  4. Accoun

    Tech 21 Paul Landers (Rammstein) Fly Rig

    Oh, I wasn't clear - my bad. I meant on the AxeFX, unless it has emulations of these too. BTW: watched your video. The really cheap Behringer Sansamp clones are starting to look attractive... ;) (Might just play around with a combo of distortion pedal + EQ in software, tho. Should get at least...
  5. Accoun

    Tech 21 Paul Landers (Rammstein) Fly Rig

    Since the thread got bumped... Did he ever mention what models he was using? Never was into Rammstein, so I only recently found out he was heavy into the Tech21 stuff and this got me curious - what amp sims did an Solid State/DI guy use? Rectos like his bandmate or something else?
  6. Accoun

    Dimarzio pickups - am I the only one..

    Joe Duplantier used Dimarzio PAFs for Gojira before his signatures (that are still PAF-based), so why not Pearly Gates?
  7. Accoun

    To BOOST or not to BOOST?

    I think I would have to listen again, but the so far I'd say baritone and the riffs you played seem to lend themselves to not boosting? Wonder what I'd think with a standard guitar. Not a huge difference (in terms of being categorically better) anyway. Felt like with the 5150 I had stronger...
  8. Accoun

    N(U)AD… Rhymes with Orange

    Yeah. You had a Micro Dark, which has a shape control (unlike the standard Micro Terror with a tone control), right?
  9. Accoun

    What are you listening to?

    Not very unique, but I'm pretty sure I haven't really listened to them in 5+ years. Honestly, mostly listening to the album because of @Guitarjon's mention in his metal tones toplist video.
  10. Accoun

    N(U)AD… Rhymes with Orange

    You say? Outside of the Orange, I've been on a lookout for a cheap Joyo Zombie and I'm wondering how I would feel with the tone control it has vs a shape control and which would be more versatile.
  11. Accoun

    Metallica's Black Album officially turns 30 yrs old

    I'm gonna be honest: it's not *bad*, but it's actually my least favorite album of theirs. Not even saying it as some pre-BA hardliner. I just somehow never jelled with it, even if some songs are good.
  12. Accoun

    N(U)AD… Rhymes with Orange

    Damn that's unlucky. Glad to hear you're happy with the new one tho. Heard some demos and liked it a lot. I'm still shooting for an OR15 myself, but this one was the second place when I compared them. The TH30 was always awkward to me, being full-sized but without the full EQ stack.
  13. Accoun

    Dimebag and Dean are done - lawsuit follows

    Basically, he says that as a Dimebag fan, he refuses to make any kind of directly Dime guitar for Solar because it wouldn't feel right, but if the estate wants to ask him for tips about setting up a guitar company, he'd be happy to consult. Seems like he believes her overall. Also, he says that...
  14. Accoun

    What is your next guitar/gear purchase gonna be?

    Ordered a Behringer tremolo... and their Sansamp bass DI clone. I don't even have the bass yet, because my order got delayed until next month. But it was from the same seller and I haven't seen any other used locally in a while, so the low price got the better of me. On the other hand, the...
  15. Accoun

    Gibson Iommi SG Special

    I guess the fingerboard being lacquered is too crazy for a production model. Also Epi version in the future, probably?
  16. Accoun

    What is your next guitar/gear purchase gonna be?

    So instead of the Orange deal that fell through, as a (belated) birthday present to myself I ordered a Harley Benton PJ bass.
  17. Accoun

    What is your next guitar/gear purchase gonna be?

    Well, the problem "solved" itself. Someone was earlier :-/
  18. Accoun

    What is your next guitar/gear purchase gonna be?

    Got paid and now I'm hovering my mouse over the buy button for the OR15. The only hesitation I have is because I checked the prices on the one local website that has an archive and it's definitely on the more expensive side of the used market. On one hand that was a year ago and it's the first...
  19. Accoun

    Unpopular opinions on gear

    - Some people say Strats specifically sound better in Eb for whatever reason. Frankly, all guitars do - Eb just sounds better than E Standard. - Big Strat headstocks are much cooler than standard ones - For the vast majority of genres, wooden snares > metal snares
  20. Accoun

    I find music youtubers really annoying...

    Youtube Vanced is a modded version of the standard YT app with no ads. There's also NewPipe, but it doesn't use Google accounts and any of the account-based features at all (it has its own in-app subscriptions). For some people it's an advantage, but YMMV.