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    Christmas songs and Trans-Siberian Orchestra!

    i got into Gary Hoeys stuff when i was like 10, so im a big fan of his x-mas stuff. and i love TSO, too bad they had terrible seats for the concert here in San Diego tomorrow, or else i'd go. :scream: :shred: :bowdown:
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    DeArmond s67

    if thats the case, they'll never have a a true to the original SG7 cuz the SG only had six strings.
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    My first 7

    killer man. you'll catch the bug as well dude. i bought my RG7321 and said that i was set, now i have an S7420. and i'd love to have a Schecter C7!!!! :scream: :hbang: :metal: :shred:
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    Legato Master Brett Garsed

    man that 1st vid just slays. does he have any cds or anything available?
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    Are you ToneDeaf??

    dang i scored a 72.2
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    Ok here are some pics....(pretty big)

    whats TOO into whammy stunts? i'd say im a "satch" abuser, but nowhere near vai status. so im i ok.
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    Ok here are some pics....(pretty big)

    meh, its not leather and its about the size of a "regular" guitar strap, . maybe a little bit bigger. i got it cuz im a Satch poser. for the record, i think the tie rocks. i'll post a pic of some ugly ties when my bro comes down from idaho. as for the Lo Pro, im gunna wait and see with the...
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    Ok here are some pics....(pretty big)

    well i do work in a shoe store
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    Ok here are some pics....(pretty big)

    ok sounds good techno. i'll see whatever is cheapest/best/whatever. i cant beleive i forgot this pic yea im missing some peices, but i'll just get 'em later.
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    Some new bands I just found out about

    9. Firewind 12. Doppler Inc. 17. Jag Panzer i like the songs i bought from iTunes for Firewind and Jag Panzer. The Doppler Inc. album is crazy. i really like it. have you gotten any Nocturnal Rites? i love those guys.:hbang:
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    Ok here are some pics....(pretty big)

    i assume your taking about the S7, yea, next time im at GC, i'll look into that. i've never taken the best care of my guitars, to tel you the truth. so what do ya'll reccommend to clean and oil the f'board? i love the way this beast sounds. but i'd love to play through a tube amp. GC has the JSX...
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    Ok here are some pics....(pretty big)

    :hbang: :metal: :yesway: :shred: :wavey:
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    Cool video of mystery guitarist

    not too shabby, seems like its only got 22 frets.
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    Pics of my collection

    beautiful dude. im loving the Swirl UV. killer collection.:hbang: :metal: :shred:
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    Post your most "Metal" pic of yourself and your 7!!!

    hows this for a sunday afternoon?
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    Awesome invention i found.

    nice, but id have a hard time moving all the cables around and remembering which ones are in the FX loop and which ones arent.
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    Another 7 on the way

    well what i think i'll do is just keep using the TRS for now and just try to get used to it. i havent been able to go to the shop near here to get a quote on setting up a trem loaded 7. my S6 was like 40-50 bucks, so im think it'd be around 60-70 for the S7. if the TRS works out on the S, i'll...
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    Another 7 on the way

    well the problem is that my brother took the only digital camera with him to idaho (cuz its his). my parents might be getting one for family use soon, but i took 3-4 shots with me in my suit and tie holding the S, then the S and the RG and the 2 S's. i'll go to my g-pas house and see if he's got...
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    The "CD Haul" thread

    the latest music art piece ive gotten was the new Joe Satriani DVD, and i freaking love it to death. will always be in my collection. his tone and technique are to die for:shred: :metal: :hbang: . to bad he's scared to play his 7 string material.
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    Another 7 on the way

    well i didnt get it till last night, and i had to set it up and all that. i dont have a cellphone with a camera, cuz you have to pay for those. im taking pictures for some church stuff later tonite/tomorrow, so i'll have 'em developed by wednesday and post them by thursday. also, they sold me a...