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    Another 7 on the way

    so im driving to meet my friend at GC, so we can jam and he can give me my birthday gift (turned 20 on election day). so i got down there, 1st thing i do is grab the schecter HR7. i just love that thing. different than the RG7321, thats for sure. so i start looking into the ibanez section and...
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    Well I'll be damned!

    i own it, but its all scratched, wish they could sell just the CD cuz the DVD is still good. may have to buy it from iTunes. :hbang: :metal: :shred: :yesway: :bowdown::agreed:
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    Ibanez rg1527 video!

    excellent chops my freind. cant wait to get my hands on one. maybe i wont have to swap the pickups after all?
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    Locking trem studs for Edge Pro

    ok cuz i'd like to get the locking studs and new pickups, maybe i can haggle with the guys the GC, since im getting the RG for like 550-650.:hbang: :metal:
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    Locking trem studs for Edge Pro

    ok so im lookin at the RG1527, but how bad is tuning stability w/o the locking studs? cuz with my budget, i may not even be able to swap the pickups out. so should i look into a totaly different guitar (and if so, which) or do i not worry about it? i'd say i use the trem moderately. thanks for...
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    FS Ibanez S-7420BP w/Evolution-7 in bridge

    hows the trem hold tuning on yours, since it seems like Lo-TRS systems are a hit and miss?
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    Full Asylum song premaster (new mp3!)

    dude im digging it. the snare sounds good, but doesnt sound as tight as i'd like it if it were my music, but its all good. nice vocals BTW. better than anything i could dream of pulling off.
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    Finally got my emg 707s in Pix(56k=shit-bitches)

    that looks beautiful. ive been thinking about puttin some in my RG7321, and getting some passives for the soon to be mine RG1527. that seems like a good idea, since the 1527 has better resale value not to mess with it too much.
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    Rondo 7 string option poll... with a poll

    i agree (although i may not get it now, since i may get an RG1527 for 550-600 NEW). unless this is comming up soon.
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    Joe Satriani

    i heard on his podcast that is was due for a late oct/early nov release. im definitly getting it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Yes!!! New Shredisodes added....

    heard this before, but i always love to hear it.
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    Rondo 7 string option poll... with a poll

    i picked 27", mahog, trem, solid color (actually dont care about it), and as long as their somewhat decent, i choose passive pups, and a logo. id prefer a simple 777 on the 12th fret, but as long as its tasteful.
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    Favorite Movie Soundtracks

    i'd say Bill and ted's bogus adventure as well, and i love Disney's "A Goofy Movie". Now if we're talking like soundtracks like ochestra's and stuff, i dont watch a whole lot of movies that would be suitable to have that kind of soundtrack. so i'd say star wars. but if we're not, im gunna say...
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    New Trivium Video - Anthem

    jared that was funny dude. while i like the sound of anthem, i hate how its gunshot to the head... mixed with an 80s sound. the woahs and yeahs (too me) are what kill the song.
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    Thinking of RG1527...

    techno, the guys i know at GC are very good at giving me good prices for gear, so im not too worried about price. i just hope i can get a blue one.
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    Thinking of RG1527...

    nyck is the only difference that the 307 has the EMG-HZs and the 207 has regular hummers? i'd like to stay cheap yet quality, but if i have to i'll go for the RG and lose the strat and/or the S. ive also got some guys at GC who could get me the RG7 for less the 750 (maybe or at least no more...
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    Thinking of RG1527...

    i should have added that i have about 300-400 dollars coming in for a research study i did for diabeties. so adding that and the one or two guitar sales would be my budget-ish. i saw an LTD M-207 on good? im looking for a 7 string with a locking trem. i'd love an S7, and who...