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  1. P

    Input Gain Unadjustable.

    no control software that i know of.
  2. P

    Input Gain Unadjustable.

    Bump. No help?
  3. P

    Input Gain Unadjustable.

    I recently upgraded to a Tascam US-1800 to record drums and generally have more inputs than with my former fastrack usb(it was a great run though:hbang:). The issue Im having is with the Instrument/Line ins 9/10 and an MXL 991 mic. the instrument line in with a guitar plugged in peaked while i...
  4. P

    Critique my new bands recording please

    sounds like you have the mids way scooped on the amp? or you eqed them out post? need those mids to keep the guitar from sounding muddy. drums/hat super loud.
  5. P

    Bad at summing myself up.

    Echoes of the past.. life is absurd, laugh it up!
  6. P

    Bad at summing myself up.

    Names Vernon. Always found it hard to stay active on a forum. But in doing research I always end up here. I like learning and exchanging info. I ve been playing guitar for about 15 years. Mainly a jackson guy. Been enjoying my Ibanez 7 string and this washburn x50profe. I enjoy laughter. Band...
  7. P

    New Interface suggestions.

    Ive heard the saffires drivers work better on windows systems.
  8. P

    New Interface suggestions.

    Thanks! Been using reaper lately. Though ive thought of purchasing cubase. Used to ise it but crashed alot.
  9. P

    New Interface suggestions.

    Buyin a new interface next week. Can't decide between a Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 an M-audio 2626. Thoughts? Other interfaces? Also planning on getting a pair of Equator D5 monitors. Help me out!
  10. P

    Fender Passport 150 popping like a click

    My girlfriend's dad just gave me a fender passport 150. When I plugged it up, levels all the way at 0, both speakers plugged up, there is a stead pop...pop...pop...pop... indefinitely. happens when I plug in just one speaker as well. searched online to no avail, none else seems to have the same...
  11. P

    First Mix ever in Reaper. Critique Please.

    if i turn the snare and the kick up they're very seperate from eathother, but i cant seem to isolate them in the mix. compared to when you can hear the drums full on and loud and the guitars seem completely seperate in these newage superhighproduction songs. gotta play with this eq i guess and...
  12. P

    Grindcore with Saxophone, pre-production medley

    yeah i dunno the first thing about recording saxophone. what kinda mic did you use, etc?
  13. P

    In the future I will be recording with live drums, I need help.

    I've been looking at the MAudio Profire 2626. My buddy has been using one for years and getting great results. to the Op, you really plan on ever miking up 5 toms? thats a hell of alot of toms! :hbang:
  14. P

    Tips on the best way to make superior drummer sound like a human being?

    spot on. this plus quantization = a long process that can be very tedious. especially across multiple songs. One thing I've noticed for blast beats is that slow dragging your mouse pointer across the selected snare velocities around 100 velocity or so tends to have a similar 'error algorithm' as...
  15. P

    First Mix ever in Reaper. Critique Please.

    not even trolls wanna eat this. :(
  16. P

    First Mix ever in Reaper. Critique Please.

    thanks guys! I just learned about 'new york compression' or whatever on the drums. blending a compressed master drum track with a non master drum track to beef up the drums. how do you go about 'beefing' up drums yourself?
  17. P

    Post your best mix so far! all free vsts, addictive drums.
  18. P

    Grindcore with Saxophone, pre-production medley

    sounds cool. is that a real sax? sounds synthy. also, not grindcore.
  19. P

    First Mix ever in Reaper. Critique Please.

    is there a better site to host the track? the dropbox link wasnt working via this forum.
  20. P

    First Mix ever in Reaper. Critique Please.

    For my first post I'd like to dive right in to the meat. :) First mix I've done (thats not just for song writing purposes) I'm still in the process of learning and only have a general understanding of compression/eqing etc. Any input totally welcomed, I am very much trying to learn as much as I...