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  1. Skeksis

    @ MetalKen

    penny arcade store?
  2. Skeksis


    Anyone here listen to these guys? 7 string Christian Power Metal. Now I don't particularly like the whole "jesus is awesome" lyrics (and I also don't really care much about lyrics period) but the music is fucking awesome. Great vocals, great production, awesome solos and heavy as a motherfucker...
  3. Skeksis

    Ibanez Jem 20th Anniversary Party Pics (56K = C.C. DeVille Wannabe)

    I say we all start a fund raiser to to buy Herman Li a couple of shirts. Seriously, does he have a closet full of those white long sleeve shirts? Every time I see a pic of him he's wearing the exact same shirt.
  4. Skeksis

    Got uli?

    Uli = God basically.
  5. Skeksis

    My 8 String In Progress!

    That's a pretty sweet phone, that image is very nice. oyeh cool guitar
  6. Skeksis

    Sevenstring album of the year

    Adagio - Dominate I'm with you there. I seriously don't see what's so amazing (or good even) about Unearth. Everyone here seems to love them.
  7. Skeksis

    New p0rg m3tal (Very 7 String Oriented) Tune Here!

    Pretty awesome man! Care to share your patches?
  8. Skeksis

    Ensiferum - Damn Fine!

    You need to get their first album, "Ensiferum". It pwns "Iron" throughly.
  9. Skeksis

    I can't believe the new Linkin Park

    yeah it's fucking amazing ...
  10. Skeksis

    Porcupine Tree DVD - November?

    That "In Absentia" album pwns pretty hard.
  11. Skeksis

    Johnny Cash - Hurt

    Well, at least Timberlake said that Cash deserved the award better than him when he got it, so he's not totally oblivious.
  12. Skeksis


    Well, best of luck to you man, I'd love to see you get signed and I'm definitely get a Periphery album when you do.
  13. Skeksis


    I can't believe how fucking amazing it is that you're friends with Jeff Loomis and he's doing you favours like this. That's awesome man. Century Media rocks, they got a bunch of great bands that actually play metal and it seems that they let them do the music they want to do. Behemoth, SYL...
  14. Skeksis

    New Trivium Video - Anthem

    That guy singing kinda reminds me of Hammet. And the song sucks tbh, although the solos were nice.
  15. Skeksis

    Strapping Young Lad - The New Black

    I love SYL, but "The New Black" sucks hard.
  16. Skeksis

    New Coffin Case Stufff

    That was funny. And hot.
  17. Skeksis

    Need Some More Technical DM

    fuck yes, Beneath the Massacre is amazing. Also, +1 for Nile.
  18. Skeksis


    Yeah they're Polish.
  19. Skeksis

    Get Out Of My Yard

    I don't know how many of you here are into Paul Gilbert, but jesus fucking christ is his latest album good. I mean, every single song on it is pure magic. From the most soulful and expressive lines to full on crazy ass shred, PG delivers throughout the entire album. If you've never heard Paul...