Search results

  1. rob_707

    Rosewood neck?

    i think a rose neck would sound pretty good, im woundering what it would be like if you made a whole guitar out of it???? hmm ideas!!!! also would it handle really low tunings say drop g? anyone
  2. rob_707

    Honey locust pictures.

    yea its pretty dark in person the picture doesnt do it any justice. BUT on the other hand hears what the guitar looks like.
  3. rob_707

    Attack Attack, attacks again...

    The beginin was pretty cool aside from that techno starting... that threw me for a loop.. but after the cool "djent" sound part, came mass anurisum and i almost broke my mouse clickin the pause button.
  4. rob_707

    Honey locust pictures.

    so like i said i would have pictures of the wood itself when the snow melts, well after i posted last, my buddy who milled the wood invited me over for some wobbly pops last night and this is what we got. not to bad looking, this isnt sanded of course im curious myself to see what it looks like...
  5. rob_707

    Woods and tone?

    hey thats not to bad of a site, gives pretty good info
  6. rob_707

    Woods and tone?

    well the site is pretty cool man but it really only tells you what it looks like and not soo much as it sounds. LOL honey locust CAN have huge ass thorns this one i cut down myself and it was a hybrid called sunburst as for density im not really to sure, if you take a good hunk of it and hit...
  7. rob_707

    Woods and tone?

    hey guys im not sure if theres anything on this or not i searched for it and i didnt see to much. I am just curious, is there any websites or links or info ANYONE knows, as to what woods do what tones. EG, bubingas good for bass. bla bla bla. im trying to get a idea as to what type of wood i...
  8. rob_707

    The making of Lilith. A 6 String Dream.

    if you don't mind me asking, but what kind of disk is on that grinder that your using to carve the top of the body??
  9. rob_707

    Disturbing Assholes!

    hah i like how the one guitar players mask sways around, when hes head swining??
  10. rob_707

    EMG Pickups, Accessories, Wiring, Info and Help thread - post it here!!!

    sweet man thanks alot, im gonna probly use this for sure, i will also put a review up of the guitar when i get it, its the new cort 7 string!
  11. rob_707

    EMG Pickups, Accessories, Wiring, Info and Help thread - post it here!!!

    hears a question guys, if you have a guitar thats routed out for a emg 707, will a regular pickup say a dimarzio or even a seymore fit the same screw spaceings>?? im just curious cause im thinking of gettin a guitar that has emgs in it but i dont want to keep the emgs.
  12. rob_707

    2011 Cort EVL K47B 7 string baritone

    im thinking of getting one of these, seein as my schecter guitar neck warped at the second fret. :( but im only worried about one thing. if i were to take thoughs emgs out would a normal pickup say a dimarzio, fit the same screw holes??
  13. rob_707

    Ibanez, presitgerg1527 vs rg7321 differance?

    Now from what i know so far i do not think MOST prestiges should be worth over $500 reason is. ALL ibanez stock pickups are LESHIT, they are in both the rg and the prestige. i have the 7321 and its a 5 pice maple neck bolt on,basswood body, came with the ibanez "special pickups" fixed ridge...
  14. rob_707

    2011 Cort EVL K47B 7 string baritone

    when in the world did this bad boy come out??
  15. rob_707

    Power amps and processors?

    oh ok man thank you soo much, this helps alot!
  16. rob_707

    Power amps and processors?

    how do i tell the differance between the two?
  17. rob_707

    Power amps and processors?

    hey guys i have a question about power amps. i dont want to use a reg amp anymore cause i cant find any sound that i like out of one. so i want to go processor/ power amp way. my question is iv been looking at power amps and i am not %100 if this is gonna work. all the ones iv seen so far use...
  18. rob_707

    Let me know what you guys think!!

    sweet thanks man, lol your gonna laugh when i tell you what i used for the sound. the song is in works and drums will be added later on after we record the guitars.
  19. rob_707

    Rack processors????

    i dont like mesa, at all. sounds weird and i dont get the tone im looking for out of them.
  20. rob_707

    Rack processors????

    no effence but i am not a fan of mesa sound, kinda thin sounding. but does the g major able to edit all its effects?