Search results

  1. TheDepthsWillRise

    Looking for bands in Atlanta and surrounding markets for shows

    My band (it's my name too, clever, I know) is booking shows for the spring and looking for bands to play with. We're in the process of releasing our EP, so we don't have anything out at the moment, but we have plenty of practice recordings if you're interested. We're a mix of a lot of things...
  2. TheDepthsWillRise

    Has anyone tried the Voodoo Labs Giggity?

    Anything more aggressive that the bluesy and classic rock type riffs that are on the voodoo labs page.
  3. TheDepthsWillRise

    Non-metal bands that have great tone/sound?

    Really dug the tones/vibe on some of the more recent Thrice stuff. Dead Letter Circus has some really cool tones too.
  4. TheDepthsWillRise

    Recorded some vocals for Elitist's vocal contest, here is the result [video]

    Wow I hadn't heard this band yet. Thanks dude! Your vocalist sounds sick too. Does your band have any tracks up?
  5. TheDepthsWillRise

    FNG here: Need advice on builders/luthiers

    I've been talking to Aaron at Blackwater about a build, and he said his wait was about 11-12 months, but honestly from what I've seen and from talking to him, I think it's gonna be worth the wait.
  6. TheDepthsWillRise

    Has anyone tried the Voodoo Labs Giggity?

    I have their Sparkledrive and love it for pretty much everything. I saw some videos for their Giggity pedal today and it looks pretty interesting, but I was wondering if anyone had played with it for something heavier?
  7. TheDepthsWillRise

    NGD, crazy pawn shop deal Content.

    Awesome man, congrats!
  8. TheDepthsWillRise

    Please let me know what you think of this mix! Progressive/Djent.

    Yeah agreed about the levels. You should probably see some peaks and valleys in the wave, it's a pretty fat bar. Also also of frequencies fighting for the same space. Try to carve something out for each piece.
  9. TheDepthsWillRise

    TV and movie characters that have an influence on your life

    Tom and Jerry taught me to laugh until I cried. Now they're tattooed on my right arm in a sleeve with all my favorite cartoons of all time. Tom & Jerry, Simpsons, Family Guy, Thundercats and more.
  10. TheDepthsWillRise

    In the future I will be recording with live drums, I need help.

    That part sucks, although it seems to suck less the more room you have. I think I ended up spending a few hundred on that, and I'm still not sure it helped that much. I think the best value I got sound wise was probably the bass traps and the treatment on the ceiling above the drums. With short...
  11. TheDepthsWillRise

    My best patch so far with the most "original" breakdown ever. Axefx2 patch inside

    Sounds awesome man. I will kindly borrow your patch later this year if I can find a 2 for a good price. ;-)
  12. TheDepthsWillRise

    In the future I will be recording with live drums, I need help.

    Cool man, I hope it helps. We just started doing it in our room for the exact same reason. We run into an Ensemble with 8 ins and trying to get everything in at practice meant skimping too much on the drum sound. At best we had 1 over, 1 between two rack toms, floor tom, kick, 2 guitars and...
  13. TheDepthsWillRise

    In the future I will be recording with live drums, I need help.

    I don't know about you, but I prefer to trigger the toms as well. IMHO the toms are the hardest to get to sound right. Especially metal drummers, barely enough room for a 609, much less a 421.
  14. TheDepthsWillRise

    In the future I will be recording with live drums, I need help.

    Get something like this (Alesis Trigger iO Trigger/Midi at zZounds) and a midi interface to go along with your presonus. You plug your triggers into the IO, IO to midi and your shells are covered. Mic up to the Presonus and wreck shop. For the mics, we try to do 2 overs, hats, ride, and a...
  15. TheDepthsWillRise

    In the future I will be recording with live drums, I need help.

    If you have solid samples already you could look into triggers and a cheap brain. Use the triggers and midi for shell hits, and use mics for the ambients/ride/hats/etc. In that case 8 would be more than enough.
  16. TheDepthsWillRise

    Anyone recently order from Circle K?

    Last time I ordered, I got mine in less than a week.
  17. TheDepthsWillRise

    Mesa triple rec vs orange rockerverb 100

    I have a DR and a Rockerverb 50 and the Orange owns the Mesa all day long. At least part of it, I think, is the tubes. I love the 6v6s. I've used the Orange power section to drive the DR's pre, and that was a lot of fun. You get that very distinctive Mesa rectifier sound, with a lot more life...
  18. TheDepthsWillRise

    Protest the Heroish metal? kinda idk.. just listen

    That could be really dope man. Post it up if you do. If you guys are down for a long distance thing, I could take a crack at it. I'm always down to give my mics a workout haha.
  19. TheDepthsWillRise

    Protest the Heroish metal? kinda idk.. just listen

    Really digging this track. Any thoughts about vocals?
  20. TheDepthsWillRise

    Bad Monkey vs every other boost pedal.

    Get a used Sparkle Drive for around $75. Has the TS sound, is very flexible, and just plain sounds great.