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  1. TheDepthsWillRise

    What's the one piece of non-amp/guitar gear that you swear by?

    My cell phone flashlight. Otherwise I always wire something wrong and look like a moron for at least 10 minutes.
  2. TheDepthsWillRise

    How many music projects do you have?

    When I'm in a band, that's all I can focus on. Right now I'm writing for my band, The Depths Will Rise (shocking, I know lol). When it's just me, I throw everything (metal of various flavors, hardcore of various flavors, and acoustic stuff) in a soundcloud with the name Burn to Bloom.
  3. TheDepthsWillRise

    Enlighten me about cabs.

    I have an Orange 412 that I absolutely love. It has low end for days, and is rather tight as well. I also have an Avatar 212 that I like as a compliment to the Orange, but less so stand alone. It sound's good, but just not defined enough for me as a primary sound. A lot of it is the speakers...
  4. TheDepthsWillRise

    Circle K Strings has now added 7, 8, and 9 string sets to their site!

    Thanks for the heads up. I was just looking for 7 string sets a few days ago, and they didn't have any up yet.
  5. TheDepthsWillRise

    Djent guitar wood

    I have a mahogany McCarty with stock pups, and a Mayo Setius with aftermaths. With the right EQ and pick hand technique, I've never had problems with bad tone.
  6. TheDepthsWillRise

    Finally got around to recording vocals with the band I worked with back in august.

    I dig the track. To me the vocals sound a little too dry, and the dynamics are kinda muted.
  7. TheDepthsWillRise

    Bare Knuckle Pickups

    Just picked up a Mayo with a pair of Aftermaths. They're not terribly versatile, but they're perfect for what I'm doing. I'm thinking about a Cold Sweat for my McCarty.
  8. TheDepthsWillRise

    Mayones Guitars - Worth their value?

    I just picked up a Setius Pro 7, and absolutely every aspect of the craftsmanship was perfect. I'd do it again all day long.
  9. TheDepthsWillRise

    Amplitube and Redwirez

    Oh nice, I have two of his plugs, but I'm missing a couple. I'll have to grab those immediately. Thanks. I'll try those mic combos. I feel like I get stuck in the Uberkab/121/sm7b mix a lot. Sometimes + Orange cab.
  10. TheDepthsWillRise

    First recording in new studio :-) axefx2 toontrack B7K laney

    Man, I need to get my drummer to learn how to program his parts lol. Talk about making my life easier. I've been using a combo of BFD2, Trigger, and live performances, but just haven't found a comfortable workflow. At the moment, I'm trying to get comfortable with the Hyper Editor in Logic and...
  11. TheDepthsWillRise

    Amplitube and Redwirez

    Does anyone have any amp model/cab impulse combos that really work for them for high gain, very tight sounds? I have a couple of combos that I like, but nothing that's really blown me away. I'm saving for an AxeFx, but I need some new tricks in the meantime. BTW, I'm on Logic, so LePou isn't...
  12. TheDepthsWillRise

    Something Vik this way comes!

    The texture and color in that burl is just ridiculous.
  13. TheDepthsWillRise

    First recording in new studio :-) axefx2 toontrack B7K laney

    Sounds great man. How did you approach the drums, if you don't mind my asking.
  14. TheDepthsWillRise

    Future of heavy music

    Mastodon, Dillinger, Meshuggah, Opeth feel kinda like the godfathers of modern metal to me.
  15. TheDepthsWillRise

    On the fence about getting a Mesa cab, should I fall forward or back?

    ^ This. The point about the speakers being broken in is huge. If you haven't heard this cab already, even if you buy it and play it, you're not really going to find out what it sounds like until you get some hours on those speakers. On another note, I'd recommend checking out a used Orange cab...
  16. TheDepthsWillRise

    Tried quad-tracking, here's the results!

    How do you approach mixing the 3rd middle track in to avoid competition with kick, snare and bass?
  17. TheDepthsWillRise

    Tried quad-tracking, here's the results!

    For the guys that are regularly quad tracking(2 left, 2 right), how do you approach 2 guitar bands? Is each player doing 2 per side? 2 per side, per unique part? Each guitarist does 1 per side for a total of 2 per side?
  18. TheDepthsWillRise

    Cabinet Question..

    I once had a bad load switcher in my 1960A cab smoke my head. I thought my Orange was getting a 8 ohm load, but because the switch didn't actually switch, it was getting a 4 ohm load. Are you certain the speakers were the issue? Between that experience and my general distaste for the T75s, I'd...
  19. TheDepthsWillRise

    Orange amp ?

    I have a Rockerverb 50 Mk1 with 6v6s and I absolutely love it. It's a killer pre, but the power section is magical. The head as is can handle anything I throw at it, except loud cleans. I also run an e530 through the 6v6s when I need something tighter. I've also ran my Dual Rec's pre through the...
  20. TheDepthsWillRise

    7 string daemoness recording-lend me your speakers!

    I don't know if the kick is too loud, or if it's just a little too present. I'd maybe try to tweak around on the upper mids. A little more room in the drum sounds might be nice too.