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  1. TheDepthsWillRise

    Problem with re-amping?

    You're going to want to use something like the Radial Xamp. It takes a line level signal in and gives you instrument level outs.
  2. TheDepthsWillRise

    Cab for beginner

    I have an Orange 412 that I love. I can only assume their 212 is equally as impressive. An oversized Bogner 212 would be a great option too.
  3. TheDepthsWillRise

    Ibanez Tubescreamer and Maxon OD808 Question

    Andii nails the concept. As for flavor, my favorite is my Voodoo Labs Sparkle Drive.
  4. TheDepthsWillRise

    Bulb: Protone Deadhorse Overdrive + AxefxII v9 Splawn Nitrous + Daemoness Test

    Sick riffs man. And the drums are always SOOOO good. What's your voodoo?
  5. TheDepthsWillRise

    Getting Toms to "boom" more

    I've heard of people using 808 hits at various frequencies to add a little low end body without overwhelming the tone of the drum. I do it all the time on the kick, but never tried it on the toms. Might be worth a shot.
  6. TheDepthsWillRise

    Let's talk microphones!

    Very true. Our drummer does a lot of tom and cymbal work and they pick up the spread on everything pretty well. A pair of NT5s and an SM7B on the kick would be a hell of a good start. Later on add a PR40 and a nice ribbon and call it a day.
  7. TheDepthsWillRise

    Let's talk microphones!

    Sorry for all the individual comments, but this stuff just keeps coming to me lol. These have worked really well for me on toms, snare, guitar, and even live vocals in a pinch. Also, in regard to the SM7B, it's a pretty bang up kick mic, and like the others said, insanely versatile for vocals...
  8. TheDepthsWillRise

    Let's talk microphones!

    I use the NT5s and they've been decent enough overs. Not a ton of character, but they respond pretty well to plugs. If you can get a hold of an original MD421, I'd do that all day long. Works great on tons of sources.
  9. TheDepthsWillRise

    Let's talk microphones!

    Unless you have a pretty decent room, I'd suggest getting triggers, something like SS Trigger, and a decent pair of overheads. I gave up on getting a decent close mic sound recently, and life has sucked a lot less ever since. The overs will still be difficult, but they'll improve with a...
  10. TheDepthsWillRise

    What band are you binging over?

    Glass Cloud and Skyharbor. Really loving some Skyharbor right now.
  11. TheDepthsWillRise

    Might sell orange rockerverb 100 mkii for Marshall jvm 410h; good idea or bad?

    I play a Rockerverb 50 through a PPC412 in my deathcore(ish) band, and it was good but not great. I ended up getting a Voodoo Labs Sparkle Drive and that tightened it up a ton, helped with the gain too. I swear by that pedal. I also ended up getting an e530 and running it into the 6V6 power...
  12. TheDepthsWillRise

    Preamp question (Engl)

    If you have a little extra cash lying around, I'd spring for the Redwirez impulses. I've had a lot of success with some of the free impulses out there, but in terms of tone and flexibility the Redwirez impulses can't be beat IMHO. There's a handful that I always end up going back to when I...
  13. TheDepthsWillRise

    A slightly unsatisfying NGD

    Nevermind how much it'll bother you, what do you think it's gonna do to resale value if you ever need to dump it. For a new guitar, I'd be trying to preserve as much value as possible.
  14. TheDepthsWillRise

    Mesa Dual rectifier solo head help!

    I have a similar rig, and often shoot for a similar sound. I ended up pulling two tubes out of the rec so I could push it harder. I usually have a similar EQ as Dabo suggested, but I dial the gain down to 10:30/11 and crank the master as loud as the room will let me. It's a huge sound and very...
  15. TheDepthsWillRise

    My band, Did You Mean Australia?'s new song! (Green Dot content ahead!)

    The new stuff sounds great guys. I was introduced to your music a while back by the guys in On Paradise Boulevard. Would love to share the stage sometime if you're ever back in Atlanta.
  16. TheDepthsWillRise

    Engl e530 or other preamp

    Have you thought about an AMT SS30? I own an e530, and for the money I'll tell you the AMT gives it more than a run for it's money. For $450, you could get the AMT and a nice boost to go in front of it.
  17. TheDepthsWillRise

    Experience with import fees to the US

    Have your experiences typically been different between individuals and companies? Like, do you usually pay less in fees if you buy it from someone on here rather than the builder directly? Or is it still fairly unpredictable?
  18. TheDepthsWillRise

    Experience with import fees to the US

    Right on, thanks for the response. That really puts a few of the EU builders in a new light. Or maybe an Ibby J custom haha.
  19. TheDepthsWillRise

    Two quick theory questions

    Have to say thanks to SirMyghin! I'm a theory n00b, and your explanation was very clear, and very helpful.
  20. TheDepthsWillRise

    Experience with import fees to the US

    I've never purchased anything new or used, internationally. What kind of experience has everyone had with customs? Are the costs prohibitively expensive or is it closer to a sales tax? There are some incredible builders in EU, but I hate the idea of basically spending, on fees + shipping, what...