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  1. K

    Picstory: NGD/NPD (Carvin, Bareknuckle, Mesa Content)

    awesome. I'll be a senior next year and a Resident Advisor so perhaps you will live in my building (Trojan Hall). If so I can schedule trips to "explore los angeles' which really means guitar store visits, concerts, and food. already planned a G3 concert trip with one of my residents this...
  2. K

    Picstory: NGD/NPD (Carvin, Bareknuckle, Mesa Content)

    i think I know you from BK forums. you have the blackmachine and engl right? if its you, I have listened to your clips and they are :hbang: :shred: :yesway: :scream: :metal: o another point to add: before the guy knocked on my door and asked "is that a 7 string guitar?" another guy came by...
  3. K

    Picstory: NGD/NPD (Carvin, Bareknuckle, Mesa Content)

    I bought the guitar on the contigency that they install the BKPs properly. I also get 1 year service and maintenance on my guitar (so no string changes done by me!) as part of buying from the hollywood store instead of ordering online. Installing aftermarket pickups voids part of the 10 day...
  4. K

    Picstory: NGD/NPD (Carvin, Bareknuckle, Mesa Content)

    Last week I received a phone call from the Carvin store in Hollywood, CA and was notified that my custom DC727 was completed and had arrived two weeks earlier than expected. Yet, I couldn’t pick it up right away because I was waiting for these to arrive in the mail: I ordered a Nailbomb 7...
  5. K

    Who rules in the 7-string world?

    i love carvin 7 stringers (reason i ordered one) petrucci and loomis are my fav 7 string guitarists awake (even tho i love a change of seasons) and DH in a DW (because The River Dragon Has Come is on it) are my fav albums
  6. K

    Mark IV too loud!!!!!!

    keep it in triode class a tweed power. its the lowest setting you can get on the amp. its about 15w and works great for bedroom practice
  7. K

    Anyone played Adder Plus Pickups?

    I was looking at them for a while but I don't have a 6 string guitar to put them in. O well, I ordered my Bareknuckle 7s today so theyll be going into my carvin dc727. Ithink if I order a carvin dc 6 string model Ill get the adder plus pickups. They do look sweet. hey DeLO7, what is that "Opeth...
  8. K

    Schecter - Vs - Carvin

    I'd get the carvin. I recently ordered a dc727 and can't wait for it. I talked to the guys at carvin and they said that the difference btwn the OFR and LFR 7s is minimal unlike the difference btwn the 6 string bridges. The carvin pickups are not the greatest but you can always change them.
  9. K

    So UPS delivered my Mark IV this afternoon...

    Sweet!! Mark IVs are great!!! I even have one. For all you guys bitching about pictures this should hold you over haha. This should take a bit of the pressure off you threadstarter. Have fun playing the amp, not taking and uploading pics. Still, get some damn pics here so we can see your...
  10. K

    Quite possibly the best guitar-centric music DVD ever

    thats a great dvd. my friend has it and we watched last summer. well worth the pricetag.
  11. K

    Jordan Rudess - Ra

    man rudess is great. saw him live with DT a while back, it was amazing.
  12. K

    Best 7 string pickups for an alder body + maple neckthrough guitar?

    Awesome, you are getting a carvin too! My order was placed Feb 22, so I've got some waiting to do. The jb/jazz set sounds nice. the jb sounded real trebly in a mahogany bodied guitar I played before but if others say it doesn't sound like that in an alder guitar then that should be a good...