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  1. jesman

    NGD: EBMM BFR content

    very nice looking guitar! But what about those two inputs? I saw that a lot on those ernie balls.
  2. jesman

    Do you play the same kind of music you listen to?

    I grew up in the "Nu-Metal"-world. :D Nowadays I listen to bands like Periphery, Architects, etc., but also to pretty calm stuff like James Blake. Depending on my mood I also like electronic music. The music I make myself, however, differs a bit from the music I listen to, I do postrock, you...
  3. jesman

    Owcean - Full Moon [Let me know what you think]

    Hi there, I normally do post-rock and ambient music, recently recording a new album. But since the track I recorded today is a bit too heavy for the album I decided to release it separately. Let me know what you think about it! I'd greatly appreciate it! :) Full Moon | Owcean Greetings!
  4. jesman

    "OTHER THINGS" - new EP out March 11! (instrumental guitar prog metal/fusion)

    this sound incredible, very good work! I'm curious about the whole record!
  5. jesman

    Tesseract - Perfection cover

    this is an awesome cover! Great job!
  6. jesman

    Released an EP, feedback plz!

    Wow, thank ya'll for that feedback! I'm very happy about everyone liking my music! :) I let the bass fade in a bit, if you mean that. Now you mention it I recognize I could have done that better! :D Thanks!
  7. jesman

    Released an EP, feedback plz!

    Thank you! :D Yes, I do, it's right here:
  8. jesman

    Released an EP, feedback plz!

  9. jesman

    Free EP - "Poise" Prog/Groove/Metal - The Compass Effect

    I listened to it now! In the beginning I thought "well, this will rock!". I really liked the first minute of "Sedative", but then I found that musical change at 1:21 a bit too radical, I was maybe expecting something else and it might also be just my tastes. The bass is very loud and maybe too...
  10. jesman

    Released an EP, feedback plz!

  11. jesman

    Slightly progressive deathcore. Heavy as fuck.

    I very much enjoyed that! Sounds very good so far! Keep it up!
  12. jesman

    2 new mixes - please give me some feedback

    I agree with the others. The bassdrum is getting a little lost. Also the drums could vary a bit more in general, they sound too monotone for my tastes - every hit on the snare has the same volume and dynamics for example. A little more bass would be better also, imo! The guitar sounds pretty...
  13. jesman

    Finally got around to recording vocals with the band I worked with back in august.

    I actually like them, they don't sound bad!
  14. jesman

    Free EP - "Poise" Prog/Groove/Metal - The Compass Effect

    Alan wake quotes :P I will give a better feedback after I'm done listening, probably wednesday or something, I got some time there! You could check out my new EP aswell if you like, I'd like to hear what you think about it, you could post it here...
  15. jesman

    Released an EP, feedback plz!

    Wow, thank ya'll! Didn't thought the EP would get so much positive feedback! I'm honored! Half of that tone was made by my acoustic guitar, the other half was made by the virtual bass! Also the acoustic guitar is tuned down to C standard, coming from E standard. That way it produced a very...
  16. jesman

    Chill guitars, kind of jake bowen space oceanish

    I really like it, sounds very soothing! Great work! Maybe you can also give me some feedback about the EP I just released? Would be great! :)
  17. jesman

    First recording in new studio :-) axefx2 toontrack B7K laney

    First, thanks a lot for the feedback you gave me on my thread! :) Overally the mix sounds very tight, love the guitar sounds and also the whole song. Nice songwriting! Just like the others posts, I'm of the opinion that the drums are too clicky. Also, the bass is not "bassy" enough for my...
  18. jesman

    Released an EP, feedback plz!

    Thanks! Glad you like it! :) I use Reaper for recording/mixing/mastering with standard plugins. Guitars (acoustic & electric) were recorded through my Line6 Pod Studio UX1 into Podfarm. For the bassline I used the Standing Jazz Bass preset of the kore player (native instruments), I played it...