Search results

  1. jeb

    Douglas GAS!!!

    Hi folks!! I just saw this guitar on the rondo site... and humm the price is just sick... I'm looking for some feedback of that thing... anyone own it?? right or left handed?? As a left handed player... cheap guitar like that can be a god send. Douglas WRL 590 Floyd NA Left Handed at...
  2. jeb

    New pickups for my silhouette special (hss)

    hooo the heavy blues looks cool!! Thanks for this one!!
  3. jeb

    New pickups for my silhouette special (hss)

    Hi!! I'm going to change the pickups on my silhouette special. I need a humbucker and two single coil. I want a d-sonic on the bridge and a air norton S on the neck. Any one can suggest me a good single coil for the middle position that will match the high output of the dsonic and the...
  4. jeb

    Graphtech Peizo System, Anyone have it??

    I've put a graphtech ghost system in my MM silhouette special... This thing is great... run that thru a aphex acoustic Xciter pedal and you are ready to go! I did a latino song some times ago for a woman at the office who give stretching lessons.. she wanted something latino :p The rythm...
  5. jeb

    Rockmaster + fcb1010 + effects

    Damn you're right!! hehe But I already made a snake for my actual rig with the pod pro for the power cable and the midi cable... so it's nothing for me to add the cables for the switching.... Gonna think again! Jeb
  6. jeb

    Rockmaster + fcb1010 + effects

    hell ya!! I just need to find the best multi effects for the buck!! (new baby is comming = no more budget hehe) Thanks!
  7. jeb

    Rockmaster + fcb1010 + effects

    hi folks!! It's me again with my f**** rockmaster:hbang: So! On my last thread I've ask if the rockmaster can be controlled with the relay switch of the g-major... thanks all for you answers. No I've just figured that I have those switches on my fcb1010. If I can control the rockmaster...
  8. jeb

    Rig help (rockmaster content)

    So!! After some research, I've found two multi effects with the channel switch fonction. The G-Major and the rocktron repliflex... I'll probably choose the cheapest.... Anyone know other unit that can do the channel switch?? Also anyone know what kind of cable I need to do this...
  9. jeb

    Rig help (rockmaster content)

    hirah!!!! you just made my day!!! Thanks all for the help!!!
  10. jeb

    Rig help (rockmaster content)

    Yup!! That's what I mean... But the g-major can accept the +3db output of the rockmaster?? Thanks again! After some reading... this is not a +3db output but 3volts output.. don't if that change things for the g-major.. I've just check the spec and the max input is +24dbu... I'll try to...
  11. jeb

    Rig help (rockmaster content)

    I don't think you can use both output a the same time... the two output don't have the same level. Jeb
  12. jeb

    Rig help (rockmaster content)

    Hi!! I need some advices. Here's my current rig: I have pod pro and a marshall 9200 power amp with a stereo 4X12 avatar cab. The left output of the pod is running to one side of the power and the right output to the other side of the power and then the two outputs of the power running to...
  13. jeb

    Audio Interface Questions

    Durero Tell me if you buy the audiofire 12 and how you like it!!! :hbang:
  14. jeb

    Audio Interface Questions

    I'd suggest you to invest a little more and get something with a Hi-z input!! With that you can plug your guitar direct in the comp and use Amp sim softwares if needed. M-audio product are great but alot of people complaint about the drivers support. I really really dig echo products. Really...
  15. jeb

    The lefty auction thread!

    dear god! Ibanez_Lefty_7st guitar_RG7620_Dimarzio PU - eBay (item 300225082786 end time May-17-08 23:54:33 PDT)
  16. jeb

    The lefty auction thread!

    hummmm koolaidddddd
  17. jeb

    The lefty auction thread!

    Damn!!! Somebody jump on this one!! Lefty Ernie Ball Music Man Luke Left Handed - eBay (item 170199087449 end time Mar-11-08 09:53:06 PDT) Jeb
  18. jeb

    Soundcard Upgrade

    Hi!! At the band practice room, we use a presonus FP-10!! Amazing product! At home I use a echo audio layla 3g.. pretty the same product of the new audiofire line... Those interfaces are the best bang for the buck I think! Those converters in those echo product are just awsome! And the big...
  19. jeb

    French lefty user

    Bienvenue!! Ca fait du bien de pouvoir parler en français de temps en temps!!! Jeb
  20. jeb

    Another lefty!

    Auslander!!! Many thanks for thanking people in my thread!!!!! hehe (joke!) jeb