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  1. jeb

    Speaker selection for avatar cab

    I own a avatar G412 with four V30 in stereo configuration.... God I like this cab!!! Jeb
  2. jeb


    Hi folks... I'm playing with revalver mkII for some days and..... In my own opinion, this is the most realistic ampsim soft out there period. For Hi Gain you can't get better than that and It so tweakable, we can even change the tube on those amps and preamps. And the IR cab sim is the...
  3. jeb

    Evolution equivalent in single coil size

    Yes heheh The silhouette special is a 6 string. I would like to get this guitar to sound like my seven.
  4. jeb

    Evolution equivalent in single coil size

    Hi folks!!! I'm just wondering.. I have a seven strings schecter that I customized with a new neck and new pups. I've put a paf7 on the bridge and a evolution 7 at the neck. The guitar sounds amazing!!!!!!!! Now!! I have a music man silhouette special that I would like to sound like the...
  5. jeb

    FS: Carvin TS 100 poweramp

    do'h!! Sorry I forgot!! G1S 1C4 Thanks! Pm sent!! :metal:
  6. jeb

    FS: Carvin TS 100 poweramp

    Hi!!! The second guitar player of my band is looking for the power amp!!! I live in quebec city.. can you give me the shipping cost?? I'll call the guy asap to show him this post!! Thanks for your help! Jeb (I'm a lefty too hehehe)
  7. jeb

    Help needed for rack configuration (ENGL E530)

    There is no stereo A/B swithing device on the market for good price?? Damn... Maybe I'll juste remove the pod from the rack or use it for effects only. I still need to know if I can use the footswitch jack with a midi device for controlling it whit the fcd. Another question...
  8. jeb

    Help needed for rack configuration (ENGL E530)

    Thanks for the fast repply. Any one can suggest a A/B switch, those things cant work with stereo preamp?? Thanks again!
  9. jeb

    Help needed for rack configuration (ENGL E530)

    Hi folks!! I need help for the configuration of my rack. For now my rig is like this, old pod pro, aphex aural exciter in the effect loop, to a marshall 9200 power amp, everything is in stereo plugged in an Avatar G412 with vintage 30 speakers, the cab is stereo. I control the pod pro with a...
  10. jeb


    Hi!! Can you post some pictures of those guitars?? Many thanks for your help! Jeb Edit: I'm really interrested in the BH... I would like to get a closer look of it... if you can only send me pics of the one that would be great! Thanks!