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  1. R

    I found some pictures of 2 8-strings

    Great guitars....... no comments there, but what a shop........:scream:
  2. R

    Scale lengths for fanned frets

    Fretfind 2d is definitely the way to go....
  3. R

    Scale lengths for fanned frets

    Read thought process I went through with planning my 8 stringer: Rg-8 Fanned - Project Guitar Forum
  4. R

    Sanding now, question on wood sealer

    Never understand why people sand all the way through the finish to get to the wood. Refinish: Sand smooth, prime.....sand smooth.....finish. The best woodsealer on the guitar is the old finish..... Just get all the nicks and scratches out....and bondo/primer is great way to do this. The...
  5. R

    Custom Ibanezish guitar makers...

    True! But please tell this to hurds of guitarists who think they still can get a full custom for $500. Too many customers screwed by too many would-be luthiers..... That the only way to go. If you have money.....go and find the best luthier you can find and expect to pay top-dollar. If you...
  6. R


    Pics will follow when I have something to show for. For now f:scream:ing stop bugging me.
  7. R


    For all you impatient buggers, I will give you a status report. JS-7: Back from painters. Need to polish the body to showroom specs. Need to buy a polisher and get up to speed with polishing. So current reading up on the subject. The Flex XC 3401 VRG will be my new polisher. Axxion: Body and...
  8. R

    I need a body

    Under the assumption he wants a RG-type body. :fawk:
  9. R

    I need a body

    You're building a 7 string, or are you planning to assemble one from bought parts. Or are you planning to buy a body and build the neck? Pointing you in the right direction is: Sign-up on to and spend hours reading the tutorials.....and state you project to the community...
  10. R


    Buying a guitar is so much easier.....but building one is so much more fun.
  11. R

    Exactly how much of a gear whore are you?

    It's good to see others with many guitars as me some ammo when I bring home another guitar.... and people around me start looking funny. Hell, bought another guitar today. ;-)~
  12. R

    DIY or get a Pro?

    If you are in for the adventure. Have the want to learn about guitars and how to make'm. If you are willing to invest your time and money to learn. If you like to be able to say......HELL YA! I BUILD THAT THING.....then opt for DIY route. But some things to remember. 1. DIY is not cheaper...
  13. R

    The mahogany S7 i built

    How did you drill that input/output jack???
  14. R

    Building a Nine...

    With my 8-stringer I'm going the same route. Graph-Tech saddles on custom base plate. Have strings go through body and design a custom back plate holding (and grounding) the strings at back of the guitar. With fanned bridge this is only real way to go.
  15. R


    As a lurthier I simply don't see the economics work. The hours, the materials, the time......and true custom at least should rake up $1500-2000. And that for lousy $200-300 profit. It's a process hardly scalable. You need CNC's, cheaper materials, etc.....that kinda stuff. No matter how much...
  16. R


    They are nice and rounded, it's how the light breaks in the picture. Here are some more: This is my first guitar I have ever build. It took all in all almost 3 years to complete (almost one years it stayed at the painters, though!!!) Lots of hours sanding, shaping, correcting mistakes...
  17. R


    Tomorrow morning I'm gonno pick-up my JS-7 from the painters. :scream: It has been there for ages.....but finally I will be able to finish the guitar that started my love affair with building guitars. Yessssssssss!!! In mean time I have been slowly finishing the Axxion I'm building for my...
  18. R

    Custom RG7-BB Completed Porn (**56k - wow, get broadband cheapskates)

    The blue isn't a even solid color, it has blotsy shades of darker blue in it. Was that on purpose? Guitar screams for white pops. Rest of guitar looks great.
  19. R

    Allrighty, my signature Ibanez eight, the RM8!

    Don't like the S-type switch. Looks cheap and plasticy to me. Rest of design is gorgeous. Very well done. They do look alot like these:
  20. R

    So how many of you are going 8 string?

    With all the seven I have in the works......I simply had to start a fanned-8 project. :hbang: