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  1. Auslander

    Nile, wtf?

    This new album is definitely more impenetrable than any of the other ones, and will most likely take some time to get into. I really hope that you will come to enjoy it, given some more time to let it sink in.
  2. Auslander

    Nile, wtf?

  3. Auslander

    Nile, wtf?

    Glad you guys are enjoying it.
  4. Auslander

    Nile, wtf?

    Crossposted from another forum: "This particular song is probably the "cleanest" one from an instrumental point of view. The complexity of all the guitar parts, and in particular stacking them four deep - at 260bpm - meant that too much dirt or distortion in the sound just blurred a lot of...
  5. Auslander

    Loomis Solo CD....!!!

    We used an Engl SE head with EL34s, and a number of guitars, all of them Schecter. The main one was the Jeff Loomis signature model with EMGs, but for certain things we used other guitars with passive pickups and also for different tunings and voicings etc.
  6. Auslander

    Jeff Loomis's Heaviest Moments

    I think it was either during Politics or DNB that Jeff said that he'd like to do a solo album one day, and would I be interested in working with him on that. I told him I would of course, and now here we are with it all ready to go. It only took us about 10 years to get round to it haha!
  7. Auslander

    Neil Kernon on Loomis new solo CD

    Lots of Norwegians are you know. :nuts:
  8. Auslander

    Jeff Loomis's Heaviest Moments

    I think a lot of his heaviest moments might well be on the new solo record. Sorry to be such a tease, but I just saw this thread again and we recently finished the album, so these are my updated thoughts. :shred::metal::shred::bowdown:
  9. Auslander

    What Would yall Think if.........

    I'm still here. I just got my first 7 string as well. :hbang:
  10. Auslander

    Loomis Solo CD....!!!

    The album came out really great. I hope you guys like it.
  11. Auslander

    Another lefty!

    Thanks everyone!!
  12. Auslander

    Now this is a rack tuner...

    It'll still tune up fine, but if the intonation is out, chords will go further and further out of tune the further up the neck you play them. Also, when you do end up intonating your gtr, depending on what type of stuff you play, and where on the neck you play most, you might also consider...
  13. Auslander

    Now this is a rack tuner...

    That might be a sign right there (of course I'm not exactly sure what you mean by lined up). Saddles are usually set at a slight angle, with the lower string saddle furthest back) rather than being all at the same point. This reflects the length of the string. On a number of guitars these days...
  14. Auslander

    Now this is a rack tuner...'s worth it! :hbang:
  15. Auslander

    Now this is a rack tuner...

    When it comes to tuning you can't be too accurate.
  16. Auslander

    Now this is a rack tuner...

    I have no agenda. Just trying to make things easier for everyone. When I saw that post, I only wanted to set the record straight.
  17. Auslander

    Now this is a rack tuner...

    True strobe tuners like the Peterson, or the Conn in the past, are about 20-30 times more accurate than LED or meter based tuners. Doing my job, I rely on these to keep things really on the money. Not only are they spot on for each tuning pass, but they are also indispensable for setting up...
  18. Auslander

    Another lefty!

    Merci! :shred: