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  1. ecalcagnino

    Line6 PodXT Live hurricane relief raffle from Eric's Guitars

    Last couple days guys. Please help if you can. Thank you! Eric
  2. ecalcagnino

    My Custom 7 string guitar

    Dude, THAT is sweet.
  3. ecalcagnino

    What's your favorite SONG?

    Picked it up. OWNS! :hbang: Thanks for the heads up, bro!
  4. ecalcagnino

    September Dimarzio 7 sale! Back to school savings! :)

    Four more Blaze Customs and 4 more Evo7s in today now, too.
  5. ecalcagnino

    Line6 PodXT Live hurricane relief raffle from Eric's Guitars

    My pleasure and thank you, that would be very cool! :yesway: Also, thanks very much to you that have donated so far. Ther have been more from this board than anywhere else. :yesway:
  6. ecalcagnino

    FS: all Dimarzio pickups brand new with warranty

    Great! Wow, that was quick getting there! I actually owe you a few bucks because shipping was cheaper than I thought, I just haven't had a chance to PayPal you. I'll do it today. Thanks again! :yesway:
  7. ecalcagnino

    September Dimarzio 7 sale! Back to school savings! :)

    Hey there... no I didn't get it. I'll hit you back, though and see if that works.
  8. ecalcagnino

    September Dimarzio 7 sale! Back to school savings! :)

    Ok, everyone that had anything on order, they went out today. :yesway: In stock for 7s I have: 5 - TZs 2 - AN7s 2 - PAF7s 1 - Blaze Custom Come and get 'em! :metal:
  9. ecalcagnino

    Line6 PodXT Live hurricane relief raffle from Eric's Guitars

    C'mon guys! I know you can do it! I really want to keep this up top so please post if you have, or will, help out. Thanks! :wavey:
  10. ecalcagnino

    ATTN!! line 6 users

    Very cool bro! Yea, pretty much the same except plans have also begun to federally reclassify or delist the gray wolf by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. To go from threatened to a nonlisted, nongame species when the wolf population reaches 350 means that as soon as there is a federal...
  11. ecalcagnino

    Line6 PodXT Live hurricane relief raffle from Eric's Guitars

    "Cats" being the main part of that statement! :) Glad you clarified, though. Thanks buddy! KILLER AVATAR! EDIT: forbidden.... eVIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLL!!! :scream: Great breakdown in that tune. I have to go play it RIGHT NOW! :metal:
  12. ecalcagnino

    Line6 PodXT Live hurricane relief raffle from Eric's Guitars

    I just want to raise awareness for this issue. These are always backseat "problems" and don't get the press they deserve in my opinion. For any people with animals, like me, I can't imagine the loss of this kind on top of all the other devastation. For those of you, like puppy burner himself...
  13. ecalcagnino

    Line6 PodXT Live hurricane relief raffle from Eric's Guitars

    Hello! Please log on to for more details. This is NOT spam or a joke. Please move if there is a better spot for this. To help the animals that were abandoned or left behind in the wake of the hurricane, I have set up this raffle to aid in the rescue and eventual adoption...
  14. ecalcagnino

    Eric's Guitars polish kit

    Ok guys, I FINALLY got these. They have the microfiber polish cloth, guitar polish and fretboard oil. Other than having to pump like 100 times to get the polish started the first time, I am very happy and they are are exactly what I wanted. Great quality stuff! Thanks to all for your input as...
  15. ecalcagnino

    September Dimarzio 7 sale! Back to school savings! :)

    Well, I was originally just doing 7s but I'll do 6s, too. :yesway: Just email me and we can work out the details. Thanks!
  16. ecalcagnino

    September Dimarzio 7 sale! Back to school savings! :)

    Ok, all pups that have been ordered will ship Friday. :hbang: I got a bunch more in so I'll update the inventory when I confirm here that all have been shipped. Thanks to all that have participated so far. :yesway: Also, I am working on getting a different distributor for Dimarzios. They...
  17. ecalcagnino

    Anybody ever heard of Abyss?

    I played some of the Abyss gits at the Texas Guitar Show here in IL a year ago or so. These are VERY nice and the builder was a great guy. I spent a ton of time talking with him. +2 for these. :yesway:
  18. ecalcagnino

    ATTN!! line 6 users

    I agree wholeheartedly with that statement/philosophy. I get so much different gear in and out of here that I get to try all kinds of stuff. There are very few instances where I think "this has nothing to offer" as far as tone, feel or price as it relates to market segment. Btw, great avatar...