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  1. Pandemican

    Rate what the above user is listening to!

    10/10, because Lord Worm.
  2. Pandemican

    Rate what the above user is listening to!

    8.5/10 for Bison B.C. Still trying to get into them. Here's my contribution:
  3. Pandemican

    8 string for Death Metal or Doom?

    It goes an octave lower. :yesway:
  4. Pandemican

    RG8 Roll Call

    No NGD since there are already a ton up, but count me in for another black RG8. Got new strings and love it so far
  5. Pandemican

    Ibanez RG8. New Budget 8-string.

    Are the pickups active, or passives in active housing?