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    Fun little idea?

    that sounds awsome, what songs are we thinking of doing? 7 string of course!
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    Anyone else obsessed with Tatu? [NWS language]

    i heard thier not lesbians they just play at it for show's and videos and stuff but they have b/f's and stuff
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    when i start to read that a band pioneered a genre and it's the only band listed under the genre then you know this genre thing is getting insane...............(even if it's 2 or 3 bands still common)
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    Fire = Bad

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    Post your most "Metal" pic of yourself and your 7!!!

    jamming with myself for my friends.........i don't know if it's metal but it's a 7!!
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    Jack White?!

    he can't shred not in the correct use of the word (applied to guitar) but he is a fairly good blues player...
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    KXK V7: It's done! (Big Pics)

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    Post a pic of the coolest guitar youve ever seen

    zack wyldes hybrid fyling V and SG guitar!
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    Should I pull the trigger?

    a V and a seven GRAB it!!!!
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    If You Can Name Just ONE Guitar Player...

    Dude Cliff!!!!!! for bass definetly:metal: and Jimmy Page for guitar, zeppelin solos' and riffs....:shred: what really kept me playing-Hammet and Hetfield. again for riffs from Hetfield and solo's from Hammet:hbang:
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    I'm giving up playing metal..

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    wow it's like before i bought a mac.........kinda scary....i'd forgotten about the error sound......
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    Do Macs suck?

    he wasn't using OSX i assume....
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    What inspired you to go 7

    i wanted a baritone guitar with the extended scale lenghth originally (Damien EX Baritone), and was trying out different guitars and really didn't like the schecter neck, I really like standard tuning (i.e. no drop D) and the other guys in my band love to do Drop D stuff so i tried a 7...
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    Work in progress

    the first one sounds really incomplete, the guitar riff sounds like it wants to go somewhere but dosn't i really like the drum change it helped the progression of the song a reallly sounds like an extended intro to me........ the second sounds good, i think lyrics would sound...
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    Depression music...

    intresting thread, glycerine, Bush Today, Samshing Pumpkins