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    My Custom KXK 7 String Guitar Build Progress

    where can i get one? a 7 string V
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    I'm never going back! you can't make me....!

    i Love 7-strings......i was a little skeptical at first, but after a week with it, i'm done with 6's..............still i might be playing a 4 or 5 string beast in a band............... :bowdown: 7 is GOD!!!!!!! :hbang: :shred: :yesway: :metal: i just need to declare to the world!
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    Which 7 do you own?

    washburn WG 587
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    Hahah, uber shredding

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    7-string-faster than 6?

    so like the flat ibanez wizard necks? flatter = faster (for some people)
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    7-string-faster than 6?

    i don't know if anybody else feels this way but i think that i'm actually faster on my 7 than on other 6's........ and the larger neck just fits my hand better, i don't have exceptionally large hand or anything, just less grabby thumb over the top of the fret board........ i guess while...
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    What's binding?

    ya i really like everything else about them except the neck, definetly liking the flatter neck on my WG as opposed to my old strat imitation,
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    What's binding?

    don't hate i was on a budget of about 200 so i bought what i could afford and i FUCKIN LOVE IT....... nice guitar btw, i tried shecters but i really didn't like the neck :fawk:
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    What's binding?

    naw i got the one with just 2 hums
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    What's binding?

    i aquired a Washburn WG 587, it's so much better than anything else i've ever owned........
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    Hahah, uber shredding

    WOW i couldn't even watch the whole thing during the tapping part was it just me or was he actually missing the string an sounding another? i deem this false:noway:
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    What's binding?

    naw i just kept reading it and was sick of not understanding:yesway: oh and i gues while i'm here how are 707's i just bought my first 7 string (and decent guitar) looking for upgrades that are worthwhile. i like cleans and flanger but also a good heavy crunch.......
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    Coolest Band Discovery so far in 2006....

    Whoracle by In Flames oh and Melodic Death Metal!
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    My RG1527RB!! [High-Res Pics]

    awsome guitar! really beautiful
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    What's binding?

    sry about the vaguness, i meant on the neck of a guitar, like a binded neck??????? i hate forums that are hella strick about staying on topic, no personality. and british swearing is awsome! i.e. Bloody hell! (you gotta get the accent though
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    List your top five 7-Strings.

    awsome V too bad about the bridge though
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    What's binding?

    whats binding?
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    List your top five 7-Strings.

    if i can ever find a 7-string V shaped guitar! other than that Washburn WG 587 love it!