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  1. ThatCanadianGuy

    Red cedar in guitar neck?

    Good news, though. Awesome for cigar boxes!
  2. ThatCanadianGuy

    What kind of stain is this? and best way to recreate it?

    I can't seem to see the picture. Is it one of those two-tone stain/coloured grain-fill finishes?
  3. ThatCanadianGuy

    Made my own Fretwrap. (Tutorial)

    Felt, nylon strap, and velcro?
  4. ThatCanadianGuy

    Chinese Fakemachine build thread

    They pretty much send a sheet with specs to the factory. If you ask for pictures, you can pretty much say, "That's not the guitar I asked for," and the rational sellers will have it fixed before they send it.
  5. ThatCanadianGuy

    Why 2014 Wasn't the Hottest Year on Record, and How we Knew Before 2015

    Wow. It's honestly horrifying how many of you agree that the science is wrong.
  6. ThatCanadianGuy

    Why 2014 Wasn't the Hottest Year on Record, and How we Knew Before 2015

    I'm trying to be rational, but it's like trying to convince a five year old that the news isn't evidence that Santa Clause isn't real. It's terrifying how much misinformation is being spread while the media pushes everything else under the rug. Explorer, I get that you have a vested interest...
  7. ThatCanadianGuy

    Why 2014 Wasn't the Hottest Year on Record, and How we Knew Before 2015

    Even your own listed source (why you listed two points from the same source and believed them to be true simply because they agreed with each other, I'll never know) agrees that we have no certain ideas about what clouds do to heating (although none of the predictions by people claiming the...
  8. ThatCanadianGuy

    Chinese Fakemachine build thread

    You're both right. There used to be a passion in the North America and Europe to put out the best product possible. Now the only passion they seem to have is the premium they can get for stamping "Made In" on everything they make.
  9. ThatCanadianGuy

    Where there's smoke... why does George Zimmerman keep triggering 911 calls?

    What do YOU think a strawman is? Never once did I say he didn't kill Trayvon Martin. I did, however state that he wasn't racially motivated, and was within his right of self defence to do so. How hard is it to grasp?
  10. ThatCanadianGuy

    Why 2014 Wasn't the Hottest Year on Record, and How we Knew Before 2015

    Another fallacy. This time, a Red Herring, good choice, sir!
  11. ThatCanadianGuy

    Where there's smoke... why does George Zimmerman keep triggering 911 calls?

    Another straw man argument. What is it with people here. I'm not arguing that he killed Trayvon Martin, I'm arguing the belief that it was racially motivated. There's no way anyone can prove that, but people still seem to believe it.
  12. ThatCanadianGuy

    Why 2014 Wasn't the Hottest Year on Record, and How we Knew Before 2015

    It's just climate change. :P It's neither inherently bad, or good. It just is. Haha.
  13. ThatCanadianGuy

    Why 2014 Wasn't the Hottest Year on Record, and How we Knew Before 2015

    Straw man argument. Don't come at me with any more logical fallacies, or I'll go through all of your posts and list them one by one.
  14. ThatCanadianGuy

    Why 2014 Wasn't the Hottest Year on Record, and How we Knew Before 2015

    There is no consensus, a point I already alluded to. The numbers were skewered to falsify a point. In fact, the majority of climate scientists are skeptics. I also stated exactly what evidence it would take for me to concede my point. EDIT: And why are we arguing how many people think one way...
  15. ThatCanadianGuy

    Why 2014 Wasn't the Hottest Year on Record, and How we Knew Before 2015

    This is funny now. It's pretty common knowledge that CO2 isn't what's believed to be the actual problem. The climate models predict that the real problem is CO2 driving a heating system that evaporates water (water vapour is, by definition, a greenhouse gas) and heats up the earth more...
  16. ThatCanadianGuy

    Why 2014 Wasn't the Hottest Year on Record, and How we Knew Before 2015

    Show me actual evidence that water vapour warms up the atmosphere to the extent that it produces more water vapour and heats up the earth, exponentially increasing the greenhouse effect and dooming us all. Don't show me a climate model, show me evidence. Then, will I believe you.
  17. ThatCanadianGuy

    Why 2014 Wasn't the Hottest Year on Record, and How we Knew Before 2015

    There is no consensus. That's what you don't seem to get. There's no "over 90%" either. Dr. Roy Spencer, the head scientist on the instrumentation used to measure global atmospheric temperature (the stuff that matters) found one of his papers, which claimed CO2 is a greenhouse gas (a scientific...
  18. ThatCanadianGuy

    Why 2014 Wasn't the Hottest Year on Record, and How we Knew Before 2015
  19. ThatCanadianGuy

    Why 2014 Wasn't the Hottest Year on Record, and How we Knew Before 2015
  20. ThatCanadianGuy

    Why 2014 Wasn't the Hottest Year on Record, and How we Knew Before 2015

    I honestly welcome you all to research it. I hate seeing politics get in the way of science.