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  1. ThatCanadianGuy

    Why 2014 Wasn't the Hottest Year on Record, and How we Knew Before 2015

    I didn't read your entire post, because I've read others you've wrote, and they really don't hold any merit to me anymore. Research the actual consensus, and I'm sure you'd be surprised to find yourself in the minority. And what proof would I need? I've seen the evidence that CO2 changes...
  2. ThatCanadianGuy

    White Power Tattoos at Work

    I'm not so worried about the government curtailing anything than I am idiots trying to report people to a higher power for existing. Help the guy find a job in a warehouse where he doesn't have to interact with customers, and then you have a right to pretend you're better than him. When he...
  3. ThatCanadianGuy

    Why 2014 Wasn't the Hottest Year on Record, and How we Knew Before 2015

    Why 2014 Won In the article, Dr. Roy Spencer talks about why, even in 2014, he knew 2014 couldn't be the hottest year on record. The clearest point is that all surface temperature data is flawed to some extent due largely to a lack of consistency in monitoring devices globally, as well as...
  4. ThatCanadianGuy

    Where there's smoke... why does George Zimmerman keep triggering 911 calls?

    Do you write for the Huffington post? For some reason you keep claiming expertise on issues you also claim to have little knowledge of the details to.
  5. ThatCanadianGuy

    White Power Tattoos at Work

    You obviously aren't getting the point. They aren't your tattoos. Until those tattoos jump off his skin and assault you, you don't have a right to be offended. EDIT: If you let words and secret meanings define something's danger, there will be a day where free speech won't be an option. Think...
  6. ThatCanadianGuy

    Gun Nuts Simulate Paris Shooting, Get Shot by Simulated Terrorists

    But gun owners don't tell you where they live, while leftists apparently have no problem releasing that info.
  7. ThatCanadianGuy

    Where there's smoke... why does George Zimmerman keep triggering 911 calls?

    I'm trying to imply that George Zimmerman isn't the guy he was portrayed as on MSNBC.
  8. ThatCanadianGuy

    White Power Tattoos at Work

    Here's an interesting question. If he was trying to change, would you even care? Or would you let preconceived notions of what HIS ink means to YOU colour your view of him? What ever happened to being the bigger man? On a slightly related note, I usually walk around with a shaved head and...
  9. ThatCanadianGuy

    Chinese Fakemachine build thread

    There's the option of... A- Potting them yourself, or B- Getting a new set of pickups. I've heard good things from Wilkinson's pickups, as well as good things about Guitar Fetish's, if you'd like to stay budget friendly.
  10. ThatCanadianGuy

    Where there's smoke... why does George Zimmerman keep triggering 911 calls?

    Maybe he was a little messed up about the death threats he got for being labelled a racist by people who couldn't realize he was a minority. Or maybe it was the fact that the majority of a nation wanted him dead for defending himself against someone who was in better physical shape than him...
  11. ThatCanadianGuy

    Gun Nuts Simulate Paris Shooting, Get Shot by Simulated Terrorists

    We all know the best possibility would have been everyone armed with cuddly, fluffy bunnies that shit rainbows and eat four-leafed clovers, but armed people came into a building and held people hostage. There's nothing funny about anything to do with this situation whatsoever. This also doesn't...
  12. ThatCanadianGuy

    Chinese Fakemachine build thread

    Did you actually even read what I posted?
  13. ThatCanadianGuy

    Chinese Fakemachine build thread

    I had forgotten about this until it was brought up earlier. The Alibaba group is now bigger than the Walmart corporation. They'll do anything to keep people coming back.
  14. ThatCanadianGuy

    Chinese Fakemachine build thread

    Thank you for putting it more elegantly than I could've. It's a pain dealing with these Chinese companies at points, but if there was absolutely no possibility of correcting a guitar you can't play, no one would take the risk. From the conversations I've seen take place between the sellers...
  15. ThatCanadianGuy

    Chinese Fakemachine build thread

    Exactly how are you assessing his ability to manage risk? It's obviously a risk, but he can't get what he wants at that price point (or any other price shy of $1500 for a marginally better product and a year's wait), so why wouldn't he go this route?
  16. ThatCanadianGuy

    Chinese Fakemachine build thread

    Were you actually expecting perfect fit and finish for $400? My point was that you aren't going to find that on anything domestic within that price point either.
  17. ThatCanadianGuy

    Chinese Fakemachine build thread

    That's the best part! If you don't like the 75:25 risk split, you can spend another thousand and get a guitar that's more likely to not be messed up. You can't completely get rid of the risk, but you can throw money at someone to mitigate it. Why does everyone feel the need to criticize how...
  18. ThatCanadianGuy

    Chinese Fakemachine build thread

    Entirely disagree. If I paid $400 for an Ibanez, I'd still have to replace practically everything, as well as do a level, polish, and crown. At least this way, you can get exactly what you want instead of the bland $400 domestic offerings.
  19. ThatCanadianGuy

    Chinese Fakemachine build thread

    Ask him to ship it without strings. You're just going to take them off the second you go to set up the guitar anyways, so it might save a few tension-related headaches.
  20. ThatCanadianGuy

    Second build, Modern/BM/super strat

    I must riteously register a grievance with you, good sir! It looks nothing like a bowel movement! Seriously though, that number four version with the yellow is astounding.