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  1. pipelineaudio

    Sound interface/patchbay

    RME's higher channel count cards are the ultimate patchbay, so much so that we sort of (sort of a lot of?) pilfered it when we were making REAPER's matrix routing view. Its a patchbay, but with nearly unlimited multing, panning and gain on the wires
  2. pipelineaudio

    Gotoh 1996T or Floyd 1000-7 in Ibanez RGA7420FM?

    I haven’t gotten to try it yet. Doing a live stream lately scalloping the neck then doing the electronics then will string up and try. Only thing I hate so far is that the springs pop out and the spring retainer is an aftermarket part. Made my own so the springs should stay in. Can’t wait to try!
  3. pipelineaudio

    Rechargeable batteries for active?

    I just did two videos installing the Fishman rechargeables, one was the Strat version and the other the Universal. So far so good. Before that I was using Tenergy rechargeables with great results, but I'm hoping the Fishman's battery charge indicator system will give me more confidence. In my...
  4. pipelineaudio

    Gotoh 1996T or Floyd 1000-7 in Ibanez RGA7420FM?

    Any idea if either of these trems will fit? It comes with an Edge Zero-II 7
  5. pipelineaudio

    Few questions regarding swapping out FR Special to Original

    To me the specials stay in tune just fine, even with the stock saddles. I just don't like that the saddles strip and crack so easily
  6. pipelineaudio

    Few questions regarding swapping out FR Special to Original

    Theres a pretty long discussion on the floyd rose group on facebook as well. Mine has been on for two years now. I don;t get the benefit of the gotoh's locking posts, and as diogoguitar said up above the shapes are different. That said, the 1996t on the floyd posts has done way way way way...
  7. pipelineaudio

    Few questions regarding swapping out FR Special to Original

    My main guitar came with a special, replaced with an OFR but eventually got a Gotoh 1996T7. I'm using the floyd posts and it seems fine. I can see the different shape of the Gotoh post and can see that it may be even better with it, but compared to the OFR, the 1996t stays in tune great even on...
  8. pipelineaudio

    Few questions regarding swapping out FR Special to Original

    I'll get flamed for this surely, but (and some serious high end guitar builders are saying the same thing, which I think includes Suhr) I'd take the Gotoh 1996T over ANY floyd right now. The last OFR's weve got over the last few years have needed some finishing work to really work well. The...
  9. pipelineaudio

    Few questions regarding swapping out FR Special to Original

    The baseplate on the special is hardened steel. Its the saddles that are made out of silly putty
  10. pipelineaudio

    Few questions regarding swapping out FR Special to Original

    Its the zinc saddles themselves that regularly break on the Specials. You can find stripped out brand new ones hanging on the shelves at guitar stores. It is insanely common. Once the metal between the lock block and strong softens, the force you will need to keep the string in snaps the saddle...
  11. pipelineaudio

    Few questions regarding swapping out FR Special to Original

    I really like the 1996t for my seven strings. Have yet to snap a saddle, I wish they used the same sized posts as regular floyds! I'm using them with floyd posts, and so far so good, but will be trying with their actual posts in the next guitar I get. I really really really really like the push...
  12. pipelineaudio

    Few questions regarding swapping out FR Special to Original

    I would ask them for evidence of this. Having done precisely that thousands of times, on many similar issues, and actually offering money or prizes for the presentation of that evidence, I can predict what you will get: Silence Logical Fallacies Insults But never even a hint of evidence...
  13. pipelineaudio

    ≈$1k Metal Gig Setup

    PodGo, Alto TS210/310/410 and some cables, done
  14. pipelineaudio

    What is up with all the amp sims?

    For the most part you are correct, but shhhh please don't tell the people who buy the same overpriced amp each month under a slightly different name even though the same company offers them all in a box for a one time fee
  15. pipelineaudio

    Dimebag and Dean are done - lawsuit follows

    Which ones wouldn't be imports in europe?
  16. pipelineaudio

    Dimebag and Dean are done - lawsuit follows

    Lulz, that's pretty much how I saw it too...the special pleading some of these guys do can be nutters
  17. pipelineaudio

    Dimebag and Dean are done - lawsuit follows

    Please someone, I'm still trying to get a hold of non-import Solars, where can I find one?
  18. pipelineaudio

    Dimebag and Dean are done - lawsuit follows

    Does anyone have a link to these alleged NON-import Solars?
  19. pipelineaudio

    81-7 much lower output than 707?

    Which band was yours? I need to go look up Jeff Loomis too