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  1. C

    New Metallica song

    Very very true, although I suppose it does come down to how many chances are you willing to give a band? I suppose that the other side of the coin is that there are those that will buy an album by a band regardless of how good/bad its become! Still, if you dont like it you can always stick it...
  2. C

    New Metallica song

    Dude you really have a big chip on your shoulder dont you, that you feel its pick on the noob day!!! Are you having a bad day? Got out of bed on the wrong side? Or simply feel that your opinions are more important than anyone else's? Can you give me one good reason why I should stick around her...
  3. C

    New Metallica song

    Sorry, what exactly was the "silly comment" that I made? You define Nu-Metal as being over for the most part, implying that I chase trends without really knowing much about me or what I listen to. You'd be surprised but I dont consider mainstream trends to be a good judge of what's good in...
  4. C

    New Metallica song

    Agreed - in my defence it was meant to be a tongue in cheek comment :cool:
  5. C

    New Metallica song

    lol wtf is your point exactly? And since when did this turn into a personal attack on me? I simply express a dislike for Metallica and the way they've sold out to their fans over the years?!?! I read in another thread that you hate Korn and Limp Bizkit - well that's fair enough - we all have...
  6. C

    Let's discuss Iron Maiden

    Agree 100% with this - another powerslave would be great! And maybe go back to a two-guitar line-up? I cant see the benefit that Janick brings tbh - the last time I saw them live the guitars sounded terrible!! Adrian is THE man - he was my main inspiration in the late 80s/early 90s :bowdown:
  7. C

    New Metallica song

    hmmm sorry, the fact that they still release albums and still appear on the bill at shows like Download, would that not make them fairly current? wow it appears that I've touched on some raw nerves here doesn't it!
  8. C

    New Metallica song

    Cheers dude!!! Did I mention that these bands form part of my musical taste?? Or simply that they form the current crop of metal? And did I ask you to crap over my musical taste? Ah you have more posts than me and are in a band with a MySpazz page therefore your opinions MUST be MORE valid than...
  9. C

    New Metallica song

    Saw them at Download this year - awesome live act, their performance was second to none! I wish they'd just roll over and give up tho - its the same stuff (more or less) as they were doing 20 years ago - and lets face it Korn and the deftones in 20 years time will sound just as lame as...
  10. C

    Let's discuss Iron Maiden

    Times ARE changing, and rock music by its very definition is designed to be disposable "here today gone tomorrow" - "hope I Die before I get old" sums it up nicely I think! There's no reason why you cant buy Marilyn manson or Korn and listen to it back to back with maiden, that is unless you're...
  11. C

    Let's discuss Iron Maiden

    Maiden suck in the same way Metallica suck!!! And before you all flame me to hell let me just state my case! Seventh son is one of the greatest metal albums ever, in fact each successive maiden album up to that point was just better than its predecessor! Aces High and Two Minutes to Midnight...
  12. C

    Nu Metal vs Emo

    what a weird thread....personally I hate shredding, which is probably not gonna go down well with you guys! Hmm, cant work out what I hate more, shredding or emo......think its emo but its a close call!!!
  13. C

    SD v DiMarzio

    well I picked up a cheapish JB from eBay, so I'll give that a go and see how it compares to the Jacksons, if its no good I'l simply rip it out and sell it on ebay again :D
  14. C

    So I got a fake UV777BK...

    Actually no I dont think it does. Passing it off by advertising it as an Ibanez would, but simply branding it as such doesn't IIRC. As long as the advert that sold the guitar doesn't make any assumptions in writing that the purchaser is buying a genuine Ibanez then simply putting the logo on the...
  15. C

    7620 Reverse-Headstock/Vine +Swirl.Another Rich Fay Creation.

    Sorry Rich, I didn't mean to offend, but all I have to go on is the auction itself, there's no way for the public to see your reserve price, and how close the final bid is to the reserve price. (and whether you sell or not outside the auction) I LOVE the paint job on that first one and would...
  16. C

    How did you start playing 7-strings?

    ok so I have to admit shred music and steve vai does nothing for me (guess that makes me a freak amongst you lot right :P) For me the most important thing is the song, the chord progressions, and the riffs!!! I'd much rather record a memorable riff than a memorable solo, in fact in my current...
  17. C

    7620 Reverse-Headstock/Vine +Swirl.Another Rich Fay Creation.

    Yes its defo a Richard fay - I recognise the sheet he places his guitars on to take the picture!!! his recent guitars seem to be getting pricier tho, and dont appear to be meeting their reserve, so it will be interesting to see how this one goes. I love the colours of the swirl 7string he...
  18. C

    What trem do I have?

    dudes thanks for your prompt responses - I feel such a noob having to ask these questions when you consider I've been playing for years - in my defence this is the first Ibanez I've owned - is it gonna be worth the wait guys?
  19. C

    Anyone try a bass cab with their guitar rig?

    Years ago I used to play in c tuning through a laney bass amp with pedals supplying the distortion - sound was awesome - tight as hell! Not tried a 4X10 bass cab tho - but I'd guess that it would sound tight and crisp...
  20. C

    What trem do I have?

    Ok apologies if this sounds like a noobie thread - whilst I've been playing for 16 years I've only just recently purchased my first Ibanez! Its a RG7620, serial # F9913944 (which I'm assuming to be a '99?!?) What trem would I have on it? Is it the Edge, Lo-Pro, Pro Edge? Or something else? The...