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    good head with bad cab..

    i'm planning on getting a peavey triple xxx head and i was wondering how much the sound would suck if i plugged up to a b-52 cab. i know they suck, and it was my first half stack ever. now i'm planning on getting a gooood head but just thinking how much the sound would be terrible if i plugged...
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    New Carvin Amp

    eerrghh. i wish they just played guitar to amp. it would really show how the amp plays. damn. i dont think they sell this anywhere close here. and you know how it says direct order for $900? does mean if you order from the site? or do you have to have some membership or something?
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    Thinking about changing my amp again

    i'm really confused about the difference between just pure amp head and a poweramp/ preamp....i've been a stack user for about 3 years and i never really tried out poweramps or whatever. what's the big fuss and how are they different?
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    peavey 5150 bands

    cool man thanks. i'm a big fan of arch enemy, i never knew they used the 5150's. cooool.
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    peavey 5150 bands

    thanks guys! sepsis, your band is inssaanneee. i love the tone of your sound. i'm planning on buying a 6505+, you think it's a good buy? i mean i love the tone, i've tested it out, but i wanted to hear how it sounds with other people. do you love yours? it seems like you get some killer tones...
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    peavey 5150 bands

    does anyone know any metal/hardcore/shred bands that use either 5150's or 6505's?? just curious. :) :)
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    Unearth Gear??

    hmm cobra heads are solid state if i'm correct. leaves me with the age old question: are solid state amps better/worse than tube amps??
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    Favorite Trem Config?

    i usually prefer floating trems, but lately i've been blocking my tremolo. simply because i experiment with alot of tunings and i love the fine tuners, but hate how floating trems always go wacko when i try to change something on it. so there. =]
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    dual vs. triple rectifiers

    which one do you guys think is better and why? for me, i think it's the dual. it needs less volume to sound good and generally has a better tone.
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    A reputation to overcome?

    precisely. i hated how it became a fad. anything like that really destroys the whole scene. like when grunge became fashion instead of the music. it toally killed it. good post man
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    A reputation to overcome?

    i think i'm the only one here who actually appreciates what those numetal artists like head and munky from korn and wes borland from limp bizkit have done. they've totally discovered a different way of playing that's outside the box. of course it's not really technical, of course it's not cool...
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    Madison Divinity 100w tube head

    hey lordovchaos. thanks man, that's awesome! on google i typed in madison divity head and it gave two different 100w tube heads...the red and black one, and the 'marshall' gold and black looking one. which one do you have? i'm pretty sure most people who have this amp have the gold and black one
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    Madison Divinity 100w tube head

    the nearest one other than ebay is like 4 states away, in each direction. but yeah i get what your saying. i just gotta upgrade from my b-52 tube head. i like it, but i want a hell of a lot better amp. this madison divinity sounds really enticing.
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    Madison Divinity 100w tube head

    i was researching some equipment to upgrade to, and came across this head. people on the internet have said how it's matches or even surpasses the mesa, and other amps too. anyone have any info on this amp? i'd love to learn more on it. =]
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    Blaze Custom?

    cool man! that helped out alot. :hbang:
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    Blaze Custom?

    well i have a rg1527, and i mean i love the pickups on it and all, but i was wondering how much a difference it would make to put in a blaze custom for the bridge? to me the stock ibz pickups on my 1527 sound decent, but on clean tones sound mega harsh, and i could use a little more tone and...