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  1. dimebagfan01

    Jackson King V Owners

    A couple pics of my Trans Black KV2. The finish is pretty hard to capture and it's pretty dark usually.
  2. dimebagfan01

    Jackson Custom Shop LP?

    That thing is stunning. I'm not a huge LP guy, but I'd play that.
  3. dimebagfan01

    Jackson Custom Shop LP?

    There's also vids of him playing a red(burst?) Jackson Kelly at recent shows too...makes me wonder if he's going back to Jackson, which would be SICK! :hbang: EDIT: Also, just for those wondering, Jackson HAS made a few custom LPs before, just not many (Pics from the JCF forum):
  4. dimebagfan01

    New Jackson Corey Beaulieu X-Series KV 7 String

    Honestly, I wish he stuck with his first prototype model. The cutouts were nicer (a sharper version of his Dean) and the finish is still my favorite to this day.
  5. dimebagfan01

    Happy Birthday Dime!!!!

    I don't have a favorite solo (it's like picking a favorite child), but the beatdown riff at the end of 25 Years is easily my favorite Dime riff. So simple, yet so effective. Perfectly showcases why Dime is the riff god (at least to me). RIP and happy birthday to pink beard in the sky! :hbang:
  6. dimebagfan01

    Guitarist looking to start fresh

    Hey all! I've been playing in a band for a few years now but due to all of us being different locations, things have been stagnant lately. I've found myself practicing and writing less over the past few months and I absolutely hate it. I'd like to bring back some of the spark from starting...
  7. dimebagfan01

    Cubase 5/Scarlett 2i2 help needed!

    Hey all! Long time lurker, first time poster. I ran into a serious issue tonight trying to demo some vocals for a couple new tracks. Before I get into the problem, my signal chain is Shure SM7B -> Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 -> Cubase 5.1.2 "Final" (torrented copy...I know, I know, when I have the...