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  1. G

    New Prog Metal song, feedback please!

    Hi Hajtosek!, Glad you like the drums!. I've used Superior Drummer.
  2. G

    New Prog Metal song, feedback please!

    Hello again everyone! This is a new prog metal song I just recorded. what you guys think?? (still have to record some solos but didnt have the time), also is not a instrumental song... but haven't been able to find a singer and a drummer yet hehehehe. If you guys know anybody please let me...
  3. G

    New Song (prog metal) Some Feedback please!

    Hi Thisiswhywefight! I'm using Superio Drummer I don't why I make it sound so bad hahaha and I'm fixing the snare because you can barely heard it lol. Did you like the song?
  4. G

    New Song (prog metal) Some Feedback please!

    Hi ace_operations. Really glad you like the guitar tones and bass line :D . Well drums is a really weak point, I try different velocities and off tempo hits and still sound programmed still looking what to do, and the mix oh god you right the cymbals are too loud and with fizz and there is no...
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    New Song (prog metal) Some Feedback please!

    Hi guys!! Low Baller thank you!! Really happy you like the song! and the bass tone. It's ok I dont have any problem of sharing what did I exactly do, I'll post some pics of that tomorrow, but the bass is VST I made it with Spectrasonics Trillian hahaha is amazing I must say, and yes still...
  6. G

    Soundcloud Thread

    Here's my soundcloud space hope you like it guys! (Progressive Metal)
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    New Song (prog metal) Some Feedback please!

    Hi Jinxist Thank you bro!, I'm really glad you like and that you like the guitar tone hahaha those things are like my main concern, still a struggle with the drum mix hahaha, even though is just a vst I'm trying to mix it like it was a real thing and I'm still not good at it but I understand...
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    New Song (prog metal) Some Feedback please!

    Hi everyone!! Well is me again, here's a new song that I recorded, again same project and again still looking for drummer, singer and another guitar player hahahaha. I would really like your feedback, Do you like the song of not? And feedback for the mix, I'm still learning and wanting to...
  9. G

    Instrumental space-prog synth metal from the future - Mix test

    Bro that was awesome I love it!.
  10. G

    New Prog Metal song recording feedback please!

    Well I guest I won't get any other feedback haha, I hope you guys like it!
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    New Prog Metal song recording feedback please!

    Hi! Yanzfoot I'm really glad you like the song hahaha, that's like the mos important thing. Abaout what you said, you are right I'll fix that!
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    Just bulb stuff

    Awesome bro, i like it
  13. G

    Instrumental prog track

    Oh that was really cool man I really like it!
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    New Prog Metal song recording feedback please!

    Awesome I didn't know that you could embed the soundcloud player in here xD, hope to get some comments and feedback. Thank you everyone!
  15. G

    New Prog Metal song recording feedback please!

    Hi guys! Here's the song with some minor fixes in the mix
  16. G

    New Prog Metal song recording feedback please!

    Hello again guys!! This is a new song, for a project I'm making. Again please if you guys can give me some feedback about the song, do you like it? What you guys think about the mix? Also what you think about the guitar tone too. Again for this project I'm looking for musicians, a drummer...
  17. G

    Song demo, Please some feedback in the guitar tone and mix!!!

    Anyone have some feedback? Thank you!.
  18. G

    Song demo made with Torpedo Live, Mark V - Some feedback please!

    I think drums kick freq is fighting with bass freq, I'm gonna try Superior Drummer
  19. G

    Song demo made with Torpedo Live, Mark V - Some feedback please!

    Hi Shammas thank you! Yea it is really helpfull gonna do that now, i also think the drums sound horrible :/
  20. G

    Song demo made with Torpedo Live, Mark V - Some feedback please!

    : / I kinda need some mix feedback guys