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  1. Briggs

    Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

    a ribeye, and an imperial stout for you, sir:yesway:
  2. Briggs

    Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

    yeah..... yeah!! the earth is going to reverse gravity and everything is going to like.... fly off into space..........he he........ it's going to be like.. the coolest thing ever! (Beavis voice)
  3. Briggs

    Quiet playing/recording

    honestly, go for a sansamp...I've tried most of the digital modelers and plugins. They sound great at first, but after a while they get tiring and stale sounding due to the static/canned nature of digital chips and program code. ref: guitar rig 1/2, izotope trash, line6 modeling amps...
  4. Briggs

    Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

    better a smart-ass, than a dumb-ass oops, was that a one liner? he he he
  5. Briggs

    Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

    too funny.........clean the air, eat more cows... medium rare ribeye, anyone?
  6. Briggs

    New 7 strings listed on Ibanez Japan website

    no hardtails??? whats the deal?:noplease:
  7. Briggs

    Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

    he he, who's the troll now?:lol:
  8. Briggs

    Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

    enormous amounts of methane happens when one ingests too much mexican food. We need emissions checks for humans :lol: I had no idea I was being trollish, thanks for the info.:lol:
  9. Briggs

    Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

    yes, I have been known to do such things:D I like to challenge and to be challenged:cool: :rofl:
  10. Briggs

    Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

    ok you got me, save the plants!!!:lol:
  11. Briggs

    Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

    serously, if you want to eliminate greenhouse gasses... you might as well eliminate all life on this planet, since anything that lives and breathes, produces "greenhouse gasses" that should take care of it:lol:
  12. Briggs

    Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

    he he he:lol: , maybe I can consult with you on what type of fish to be reincarnated to. I suggest a top tier predator like a mako shark or something:rofl:
  13. Briggs

    Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

    ah, another political catch phrase does anyone really know what greenhouse gas is?:lol: maybe a trip to the wiki is in order:
  14. Briggs

    Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

    Sure, but I wouldn't call it global warming, I would call it global heating:lol:
  15. Briggs

    Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

    Warming or cooling, can't be propaganda by nature of the definition of propaganda. however, coined phrases can be propaganda. I wouldn't bet my life on it.
  16. Briggs

    Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

    propaganda: Information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause.
  17. Briggs

    Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

    Propaganda, it is. As ridiculous as it sounds, lobbyists and legislators use this "global warming" coined phrase to sign into law (ie: california greenhouse bill [Schwarzenegger]), rules applied to something mankind can't control. Then, when global cooling happens, they all wasted...
  18. Briggs

    Why we're going to hell - Global Warming discussion

    global warming is propaganda...we can barely predict the local weather, let alone the global climate... Chalk it up to mankind's pridefull arrogance and stupidity.:lol:
  19. Briggs

    The Ibanez MTM "Seven" why not?

    it's not a seven? What genius forgot the 7th string, or is the inlay a typo?:noplease: Love the bridge, color, reverse headstock, though:cool: