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  1. Marginal

    Friends come and go.....

    What the fuck does sprite have to do with it? At least this ad was crazy enough to make me go 'WTF?' :lol:
  2. Marginal

    What would you do with 200 trillion dollars?

    First of all, I'd get me the EBMM Petrucci Sig:lol:. Then I'd share my monies with my homies and blow up some shit. I mean, with 200 trillion freaking dollars, you theoretically (not practically) own everyone's lives and homes. Then, I'd clone myself and instruct my clone to keep cloning...
  3. Marginal

    From Greece With Wuv

    ^I know (I mean I've known from approximately the day after I joined:lol:) and it's cool :hbang:
  4. Marginal

    Bulb - New heavy song "Light" (Petrucci 7 string, podxt)

    But of course! It all makes sense now...wait, what? On pure water! Is that a metaphor for crack or something?:scratch: OR...on pure water?! Who are you man? Jesus?!:lol: *Marginal is trying too much to be funny.
  5. Marginal

    Bulb - New heavy song "Light" (Petrucci 7 string, podxt)

    I ABSOLUTELY second that :agreed: I'll be waiting patiently Bulb...but not too patiently!:lol: BTW, why the hell do your songs sound so...liquid? It's so weird. Or I'm the weird one :nuts:
  6. Marginal

    Mythbusters Banned Episode - Flatulence

    :lol: Poor Kari. Imagine Jamie or Adam telling her: "No, don't take the mic off your butt! We need to bust some more myths!"
  7. Marginal

    NGD Loomis!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoo Hooo

    :hbang: I love the color and I am probably gonna buy this sometime in the future...probably when the summer kicks in :squint:
  8. Marginal

    A Grime Day For Jon Stauffer...Equitment stolen!!!

    The guy that stole your precious gear needs to be seriously beaten up. What an asshole...:noplease:
  9. Marginal

    NKD (56k float away)

    Just look at the tags man. So funny :lol:
  10. Marginal

    Does anyone have Messhugah's 7s pics ?

    Dude, Marten's Nevborn is the fucking shit :metal:. So futuristic looking. Are Nevborn sevens or any other Nevborn guitar still on the market? I can't find any link to their site :scratch:
  11. Marginal

    I just found out: My last name is metal as shit!

    :lol: at the discovery. BTW, nice sketch :yesway:. Did you draw it?
  12. Marginal

    NKD (56k float away)

    I'm not into plushes at all, but I used to love the first gameboy Kirby game :lol:.
  13. Marginal

    The Rock

    Wtf??? :lol:
  14. Marginal

    Anyone take A Level Math first year? Or did?

    Exactly! It's not forcing you to think about it in the morning, like derivatives or integrals :lol:. Fucking maths are gonna melt my brain.
  15. Marginal

    Because you alll love to caption pictures sooo muuch..

    "Yay! Finally, I reached my nirvana!" Don't know if that's grammatically correct, but whatever :lol:
  16. Marginal

    Dilemma: Loomis TOM or Xiphos 7?

    That's going to kill my wallet :lol:
  17. Marginal

    My S7420 custom project progress report (PIC INSIDE)

    My opinion is to bleach it back to natural. IMHO, it looks better that way.
  18. Marginal

    Bulb - New heavy/seizury/chocolatey song uploaded! (podxt, dfhs, lundgren)

    Dude, put out a cd already! Your music is reaaaally good :metal:
  19. Marginal

    Anyone take A Level Math first year? Or did?

    And because of that, it's going to haunt me for life :lol:. Gotta hate triangles. Squares are full of win :metal:
  20. Marginal

    Caption this pic

    "Dude....Marshall metal!" :lol:

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