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  1. V

    Born of Osiris MegaThread! - All things BoO

    Good lord, Follow the Signs is fucking savage!!! I can't wait for the album!
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    My electronica/metal/work in progress

    Bump - any opinions, good or bad, are most certainly welcomed!
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    My electronica/metal/work in progress

    Hey guys - For the first time, I have something I'm proud enough of to share with others. I wrote this over the course of the last 2 days in FL Studio 9 XXL - I've been using FL Studio for 7 or 8 years now (with a year break in there somewhere) so I'm definitely most comfortable with its layout...
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    Revocation Cover of Pull The Plug

    Holy Santa Claus shit this awesome! :hbang:
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    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    That sucks :ugh: Either way, I'm psyched as hell for the ep! :hbang:
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    Amateur Theory is really, really good.

    They put on a kickass live show, too! Check them out :metal:
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    The Official 'Post Your Youtube Vids' Thread (Post your covers here)

    Trust me, if I had even a relatively inconvenient way to make that happen I would :hbang:
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    The Official 'Post Your Youtube Vids' Thread (Post your covers here)

    I'm always up for requests - only downside is that while I'm at college I don't have much access to my drums. I'll try to figure something out though! And the link to my youtube channel is in my signature - check it out and tell me what you think!
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    The Official 'Post Your Youtube Vids' Thread (Post your covers here)

    I know I look really young, but I'm actually 20 - so you were close-ish :lol: Thanks for the compliments guys!
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    The Official 'Post Your Youtube Vids' Thread (Post your covers here)

    Here's my newly uploaded drum cover of Meshuggah - New Millennium Cyanide Christ. Let me know what you think!
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    Agreed :cool:
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    I won't disagree with you that it's not a bad deal, but where exactly are you getting the "7 new tracks" figure from? 11 tracks - 6 ep tracks = 5 new tracks, unless of course I've missed something. :scratch:
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    New... Elliot Coleman + Zack Ordway song?!

    +1 yesplz Seriously though, it took me a while to warm up to Elliot's vocals, but I like them much better than any of SEA's past singers.
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    Haunted Shores Megathread - Viscera EP out now

    Honestly, I think it'd be best for you to just clear the air now. You've put so many statements out there (not being a dick, merely stating the obvious) that I think the best thing for everyone would be to do so. I'm not one of those people who needs to pry into someone's personal life/issues...