Search results

  1. Shenaniganizer

    Wound Strings

    I honestly don't know what wound strings are. Aren't all strings wound? lol. Damn, I'm a noob. Sorry to kinda derail the thread. :(
  2. Shenaniganizer

    The Fanned Fret Club

    Wait, where can I find an angled pickup Agile? The only ones on Rondo's site are like $1200. Is that average for a cheap, bang for your buck fanned fret guitar?
  3. Shenaniganizer

    The Fanned Fret Club

    Thanks to you guys, I'm getting more and more interested in a fanned fret 7. Is Roter the cheapest bang for the buck option? I'm sorry if I'm thread-jacking; please feel free to delete my post if necessary, I figured it'd just be best to ask in here than start a new thread. I'd get the Agile...
  4. Shenaniganizer

    7-string strats?

    And by that, I mean ones with SSS pickup configs. Anyone have one? Or, better yet, do any builders make those as standard production models? Just curious. :scream:
  5. Shenaniganizer

    7 string P90s?

    I asked Tim, he said they don't have the tooling to do seven string P90s. :(
  6. Shenaniganizer

    7 string P90s?

    Cool, thanks! I got a quote for $125. I asked about a blade P90. :D Out of curiosity, are there any others? Also, darren.. I've been meaning to ask.. when will you start taking orders? And can we discuss pricing? I like your concepts. PM me some time? :)
  7. Shenaniganizer

    So.. three guitarists?

    How, exactly, does that work out, without sounding like mushy shit? And is the bassist EVER heard? The only band I know of that does this in a metal setting is Periphery. And in one of their videos, they show their rigs, and they play parts of a few songs.. and, honestly, it sounds like a...
  8. Shenaniganizer

    7 string P90s?

    Do any current custom winders make any of these?
  9. Shenaniganizer

    7 string.. dilemma?

    Is there any chance you can upload a clip with that? I want to hear how low it is.
  10. Shenaniganizer

    FS: White 1 pickup Ibanez RG7321

    Is this still available?
  11. Shenaniganizer

    Is this a good deal on an Ibanez K7?

    He doesn't really care about the guitar, and he isn't concerned about money. The kid's not loaded, but, he definitely ain't poor. I'll get pics if/when I buy it.. it's in his storage at the moment.
  12. Shenaniganizer

    7 string.. dilemma?

    So that would match up with the lowest (seventh) string being C, right? I'd have drop C, but G standard on my six strings? Do you see what I'm saying, or am I being retarded?
  13. Shenaniganizer

    Is this a good deal on an Ibanez K7?

    Naw, he won it from a contest a long time ago. He's never used it, either. I'm sure it's legit. If it isn't, how will I be able to tell?
  14. Shenaniganizer

    Is this a good deal on an Ibanez K7?

    It's probably dark blue. Unless they had one purple one for that contest. I dunno. Either way, $400 still seems great.
  15. Shenaniganizer

    Is this a good deal on an Ibanez K7?

    I'm definitely NOT going to tell him that, then. I asked him for a price, he said 4 bills.. It's the one with a Floyd, if that says anything. I think he said it's purple. I'm excited. I need to gather the 400.
  16. Shenaniganizer

    Is this a good deal on an Ibanez K7?

    $400. Don't know what year/generation it is.. my friend said he won it from a contest a while back. One of those sweepstakes that you sign up for.
  17. Shenaniganizer

    7 string.. dilemma?

    I'll send him an email when I figure out what guitar I want. The Ibby was really sweet - simple, yet lots of fun. Plus, it'd be so easy to mod. :idea: I'm not fully set on it, but it's definitely one of my options, next to just building my own. There's a guy named Bryan Gunsher who does amazing...
  18. Shenaniganizer

    7 string.. dilemma?

    Wow, he seems like kind of a prick, based on one of his answers to a simple question about his strings.. Though, I suppose I could look into it.