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  1. Shenaniganizer

    How come some (or most?) seven players don't like TOMs with stop-tails?

    Ah. I thought there might've been some concern with string contact, considering the fact that the strings make more direct contact with the body in a string-thru setup than with a stop-tail. Though, to be honest, I don't buy into that too much anyway. I'm thinking of either going with a TOM...
  2. Shenaniganizer

    How come some (or most?) seven players don't like TOMs with stop-tails?

    No, no, I meant specifically with the stop-tail part. I know a ton of seven players love their TOM-equipped guitars that happen to be string-thru. But, it seems that not very many are fans of the stop-tail.
  3. Shenaniganizer

    How come some (or most?) seven players don't like TOMs with stop-tails?

    I seem to be seeing that quite often. Does it have to do with tone, or is it a matter of appearance? :scratch:
  4. Shenaniganizer

    Enlarging post holes?

    I want to say they'd fit with a bit of a forceful push, but I'm afraid of messing.. uh, something, up. I dunno what I'd mess up, though.
  5. Shenaniganizer

    Enlarging post holes?

    How would I go about making the diameter of the post routs larger on my Jackson Kelly? I mean the holes where the posts mount into for Floyd Rose bridges. Like this: Where those holes are, around the rectangular rout.
  6. Shenaniganizer

    Ibanez RGT-42 cheap

    Is this still for sale?
  7. Shenaniganizer

    Rant: Neck description

    I honestly have no clue what neck profile I like. I know that I love Jackson necks, because I've been playing on them for some time. I love thick necks, too, though. So, uh.. I don't know where I'm going with this. :squint:
  8. Shenaniganizer

    What's so great about a scalloped board, and why do 7 players like it more

    than 6 players. I've seen a lot of 7s (like the Siggi Braun and LAG, to name a couple) with scalloped boards, and only the YJM when it comes to 6s. First, what's so great about 'em? I've heard they make faster play easier, they make bends/vibrato easier, they make the overall "feel" slicker...
  9. Shenaniganizer

    Thinking of building my own seven.

    Alright. That calculator will help a lot. I'll have to find a big piece of MDF/particle board to draw this plan out on. I'm excited! :) Also, I finally got a job! Minimum wage, washing dishes, but hell.. I'm 19, and income is income, no matter where it's from. :D That means this guitar may come...
  10. Shenaniganizer

    Thinking of building my own seven.

    I guess I'll have to reword the question whenever I come to the issue, and have a better understanding of it. In the meantime, what do you think about the "having enough wood" issue? I want to make sure I'd be ordering enough wood to be working with.
  11. Shenaniganizer

    Thinking of building my own seven.

    Okay, so, I'm on that Exotic Woods site, and I'm trying to figure out how much neck and fingerboard I'll need. It'll definitely be a neck-thru. I've established that, lol. It'll either be a King V or a Kelly shape.. But, I don't know if I'll have enough "room," I guess, to do what I'd like. I...
  12. Shenaniganizer

    Purple binding and inlays

    Please, PLEASE do! :bowdown:
  13. Shenaniganizer

    Thinking of building my own seven.

    I'm doing it for the experience and self satisfaction. I've recently been looking into luthiery, namely in the guitar-building persuasion, and I know I'll need a lot of practice to be competent in the art, so, I may as well start now. My plan is to make a neck-thru seven-string Kelly with...
  14. Shenaniganizer

    Thinking of building my own seven.

    Since I'd love to have a seven-string Kelly, and I can't really afford to throw all the money out at once for one, I think I may build my own. I have my six-string Kelly, so I can trace the body. I'm sure it'll take a bit of modification to accommodate a seven-string neck. I'm hoping to make...
  15. Shenaniganizer

    Flying V style 7s?

    Holy bajeezus, that's narrow.
  16. Shenaniganizer

    Purple binding and inlays

    Wait, wait, wait. How'd you get the binding off?
  17. Shenaniganizer

    Flying V style 7s?

    I prefer the King V shape. Shit just screams "metal." The Jr V looks really, really narrow. :O
  18. Shenaniganizer

    Flying V style 7s?

    This. This, indeed.
  19. Shenaniganizer

    Help me understand scale length and loose strings.

    Oh fuck yeah, will look now. :hbang: Funny you mention that, because I've been eyeballing these for a while. Do you know if Kurt (that's his name, right? :noplease:) would work out payments, as well? EDIT: Not much that interests me at zzounds, unfortunately. The Schecter C7 Custom...