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  1. bonethug

    Why guitars cost what they do...

    I used production guitars as an example. Passive pickups are essentially magnets with some copper spun around them. I see that costing 15-30 bucks at most since they're easy to make and the cost of materials is stupid low. Next the wood. When you steer away from all those flamboyant...
  2. bonethug

    Why guitars cost what they do...

    I got attacked from everyone for not riding luthier cock. :lol:
  3. bonethug

    Why guitars cost what they do...

    You've misunderstood me. I said 500 for a major manufacturers product. Im just saying that there are many jobs that suck out there and pay next to nothing. I don't see why he is complaining about the market when he has the sweetest job in the world that pays decently! On your side note, I...
  4. bonethug

    Why guitars cost what they do...

    You make a damn good argument but when I read this thread I saw it as a "sit down, shut up and accept the rules I make for lutherie". It's like a huge FU to all of us with horrible jobs and rubbing our noses in the fact that we can't afford a custom. I'd kill to be in you guys shoes.
  5. bonethug

    Why guitars cost what they do...

    Ya, but dude it's a niche market. Forgive me if I don't see the point in complaining that people want cheaper prices for more. Personally I don't think a guitar should cost more that 500 when produced by a major manufacturer. I can understand business expenses but making custom guitars won't...
  6. bonethug

    Why guitars cost what they do...

    Point taken, I as a 24 year old guy with a military salary will never be able to pay five grand for a couple of pieces of wood glued together.:nuts: I'm fine with not owning a custom. What's sickening is that you can make my anual salary in three builds.:scream: You builders have a sweet job...
  7. bonethug

    Amp settings

    Mesa triple rectifier high mids med bass low treb gain almost all the way up same with presence on mhmmhmmm modern I don't listen to deftones that much sorry
  8. bonethug

    Bloodwood guitar

    Really? i heard it was stable as a rock. With the issue of chipping could i just oil the wood before cutting?
  9. bonethug

    Bloodwood guitar

    They change but for the better. They dont turn brown with age but into a deep red from what I'm hearing.
  10. bonethug

    Bloodwood guitar

    Thats true if anything it turns into a deeper darker sexier red with age.
  11. bonethug

    Hey dude scherzo told me that you got some info on making guitars out of blood wood. Since I'm...

    Hey dude scherzo told me that you got some info on making guitars out of blood wood. Since I'm going to be doing a build out of it can you shed some light on the do's and dont's?
  12. bonethug

    Bloodwood guitar

    It's just to damn gorgeous for words. I've heard what your saying, bloodwood is rough as hell on bits and tools. It's def something to consider when doing my build. Ya I'll message him, thanks for the help!
  13. bonethug

    Crystal frets, what ? Where ?

    But then again if you can afford 1500+ for frets your gonna have some sick mods
  14. bonethug

    Crystal frets, what ? Where ?

    There is def something unique about the sound
  15. bonethug

    Bloodwood guitar

    Do you suggest I do it by hand? Cause I'm totally down for not having to buy machinery.
  16. bonethug

    Bloodwood guitar

    Hey guys I was wondering about making a guitar out of bloodwood. I hear that the tonal quality is great and balanced and that its tough ass wood that is also beautiful to look at. Every sight I've visited has had great things to say, with the exception of Ed Roman but he's a total douche bag...
  17. bonethug

    A simple question

    Ya but carvin only comes in a 14 inch FB rad and I like a 16 (picky I know!). When it comes down to it, I just need to build my own to be happy with both cost and specs.
  18. bonethug

    A simple question

    You hit the nail on the head dude, I also wonder where a lot of guys get the money for not one or two nice guitars but entire collections!