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  1. bonethug

    A simple question

    Well what I'm trying to get at is why not just make guitars with different specs instead of spending money endorsing musicians?
  2. bonethug

    A simple question

    haha I would too, thats why I keep shopping around.
  3. bonethug

    A simple question

    Well some sigs kind of become a norm like the jp. Take the les paul for example. When I think of a sig its a regular guitar with some gimmicks like a new paint job and inlay. like kirk hammett's sigs.
  4. bonethug

    A simple question

    Dude I've been so close to buying a Carvin but my cheap bastardry keeps telling my to make my own or hold out till jackson makes an slsmg seven.
  5. bonethug

    A simple question

    I check out ebay and craigslist daily to see what they have but I have a hard time bringing myself to buy something over the internet. Usually it's because they're asking too much for a banged up guitar and why are they trying to sell it in the first place (something must be wrong with it)...
  6. bonethug

    A simple question

    If I bought a 417 it would just be a matter of time before I sanded the paint and thinned the neck myself so its not a big deal, but in that lays the problem. I believe if we spend somewhere of 700-1000 dollars we should be able to get exactly what we want. Not necessarily a custom hand built...
  7. bonethug

    A simple question

    A FR would be nice, but I had a FR special on my work horse and it broke. Usually when I see a guitar with a FR I say to myself "never again" but if I knew it was one made by schaller or gotoh then ya I'd go for it. Another bad thing about getting a tremelo system with your guitar is that it...
  8. bonethug

    A simple question

    Well I own an agile and I loathe it to the core. It's neck heavy fretwork is horrible, I can complain about it for days, seems like other people had better luck but I really don't want to go down that dark path again. I had looked into the demon but I had set my eyes on the ltd MH-417, it...
  9. bonethug

    A simple question

    When I think of low end its like a comparison of grover tuners to LSR's To a FR special- to a schaller FR nasty electronics with "stock" pickups compared to bkp's You get the picture. These products are very useful when it comes down to cutting price for manufacturers. Then we the...
  10. bonethug

    A simple question

    It's been over a year since I bought my last guitar and I'm dying for a 7. Whenever I go to guitar center, all i see is mass produced overpriced guitars. They're never set up properly, they all have basic low end quality parts and in my opinion they get way too much business. On the other...
  11. bonethug

    Bad electronics or wood?

    sounds like you have poor shielding, check inside the electronics cavity for black paint or copper tape before doing anything drastic.
  12. bonethug

    Monday I can become an LP owner. IF this is a good deal.

    who cares! 200$ is a steal! My only advice is check the back of the headstock for damage thats les paul's weakness
  13. bonethug

    Monday I can become an LP owner. IF this is a good deal.

    hell ya man sounds like a great deal!!
  14. bonethug

    Convince me to get a Caparison...

    jesus nagoya? thats 3 hours on the shinkanssen... I might be wrong but i think thats where Ibanez is made as well, but dude you gotta realize even if they come back the company wont be the same, they'll start using cheaper building methods to cut cost so the company doesnt falter again.
  15. bonethug

    Convince me to get a Caparison...

    well i guess you guys would know more than me right, I only tried to find their Hq since I live in Japan and was told by EVERYONE "out of business".
  16. bonethug

    Convince me to get a Caparison...

    Very true, I suppose thats why I love playing cheap guitars that i gave a little TLC.
  17. bonethug

    Convince me to get a Caparison...

    gentlemen, there is no rule that says a cheap guitar can't be a great guitar, I myself own a Ibby prestige with bkps sounds great but.... My favorite guitar is my bottom shelf grassroots that i traded my broken S series for, I've played caps, and compared to my POS they dont compare. My...
  18. bonethug

    Convince me to get a Caparison...

    if i may give my two cents... Don't get one, Its true they are nice but chances are if you can afford a cap you can just go all out and get a custom. Personally i don't like guitars over the 500$ mark because its hard recovering from having your life savings break or get stolen.
  19. bonethug

    Question about paint and fretboards

    I personally am not a fan of any graphics or paints, but hey man its your guitar. I wouldn't put paint on the fret board instead try to find a decal graphic you like as for sealant... I'm not to sure.... I'd say they clear kind hehe. Nice design though wish i could have been more help to you.