Search results

  1. D

    Looking for affordable custom shops

    Siggery are pretty decent. Had to laugh at the black machine comment but do see your point. However, they are worthwhile bits of kit and worth the money.
  2. D

    Pedalboard finally complete

    Very nice bit of kit!
  3. D

    Power conditioner advice

    Fair do's. Ta for the info.
  4. D

    Power conditioner advice

    Quick question. A while ago my fellow guitarist was running a phonics power conditioner through his axe fx. Seemed like a good idea to negate power spikes etc. i was wondering if the same logic could be applied for a valve amp? Silly question I know, but I don't want my prized series one...
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    Random Pics of Your Rig

    Not my whole rig, but the core elements.
  6. D

    Random Pics of Your Sevens

    Not the greatest picture, but my 2 main beasties. LTD MH-417 in Drop A and LTD Viper 407, again in drop A.
  7. D

    45 mm nut ESPs

    48mm on my mh417, couldn't be happier.
  8. D

    Getting A Custom 7 Made!

    Siggery's guitars are top notch. Can't beat the price for the quality you get. Dean, the guitarist/vocalist in my band has been using him for a while. You won't be disappointed!
  9. D

    Which cab?

    Try Zilla Cabs, they're pretty decent bits of kit!
  10. D

    What are you listening to?

    Devin Townsend - Deconstruction Ministry - Relapse (kind of wishing I hadn't, not a great comeback, Al should have left it be) Khthon - Above The Fog (an EP of a friend's band, great old school doom)
  11. D

    We all know that feeling... + NGD

    Yup, I know that feeling all too well. Happened to me recently awaiting my ltd. She's a beaut! Really nice finish. Happy playing!
  12. D

    Your 1st

    Dean Baby Z which was crap! Fell apart after 7 months. Then went up in the world with an Ibanez RG7321, which I still own. It has gathered dust unfortunately and should have another play soon.
  13. D

    What's the first thing you play when trying new gear?

    Any of my band material, an intricate little riff that works on the bottom 3 strings. Tried it on my newest guitar a few weeks ago and it felt fun to play. That's when I'm on to a winner. Or I'll just noodle about between clean/distorted sounds on different pickups. I'll tweak the tone until I...
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    Advice wanted for future studio sessions

    Believe me, practice is all ok, just the confidence is the thing that wanes. Shouldn't have an effect on me as I've done a good few live shows in front of people. Different environment I guess...
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    Advice wanted for future studio sessions

    Hi all, First proper post, besides the new member post. Need a bit of advice from anyone who may experience/has experienced, or not felt brave enough to ask. I'm due to hit the studio in October for an EP with my band. I have a concern with regards to my efforts and input. I am worried that...
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    Fantastic. I don't mind a healthy disagreement in opinions (each to their own right?) but any of that petty bickering is just pointless.
  17. D

    How do

    Hi guys & girls, Just a quick hello. I'm Dave, 26 years old, live near Croydon in sunny blighty. Been playing guitar for near to 11 years. I have an unhealthy obsession with ESP/LTD guitars. Currently play rhythm (badly) in a recently formed band called Pariah. No tracks up yet but going to...