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  1. G

    NGD: Custom Agile Septor 727!!!

    How much did it set you back? I have basically the same model except all the standard parts. I didn't think you could tap actives.
  2. G

    NGD: Bubinga Ibby (expected too much?)

    Was the guitar sold as new?
  3. G

    Agile telecasters

    Ah ok I'll do some more lurking. I didnt know hip shots were string through. I thought only the bass models were string through and the guitar versions were top loading.
  4. G

    Agile telecasters

    The 3-4 4-3 headstocks will work I just prefer not to get the typical carvin headstock. They hit just about everything except the string through. My biggest concern with carvin is the pickup mounting is sort of goofy on the older models. Did they fix that? My second concern is I don't know how...
  5. G

    Agile telecasters

    I'll look into it.
  6. G

    Agile telecasters

    That nails most of what I'm looking for but I was hoping to get an alder body and the neck on the agiles are ideal. I appreciate the reference though.
  7. G

    Agile telecasters

    Hey guys, I'm new to the forum and new to playing seven strings. I got my first seven about two months ago and it was a oceanburst agile septor 727. I started out with a cheaper model because I wasn't sure if sevens were for me. Well it turns out the necks on the agiles do not feel like...