Search results

  1. Svartmetall

    3-ply Voodoo Strat pickguard

    I bought one of the first-issue Mexican ones of the Voodoo Strats last year, and while the tone is great the pickguard is a rather cheap-feeling single-ply jobby; I'd love to find a decent quality white or (preferably) cream 3-ply one to replace it, but I'm having a hell of a time finding one...
  2. Svartmetall

    Vivian Campbell Hot Licks video

    Eeek..quite a few wrong and fluffed notes in that second one (surprised they let that go on an instructional tape), and horrible tone in both. At one point Campbell and Jake E. Lee were the two up-and-coming names in guitar, and of the two I actually always preferred Jake's playing; he had at...
  3. Svartmetall

    Ron Jarzombek's new custom 7!

    All due respect to Ron as a player, but that looks like a 4-year-old drew a BC Rich Warlock in crayon. That's horrible.
  4. Svartmetall

    Killing Joke reforms, will tour!

    This is great! It's about time Jaz stopped trying to be Stravinsky for a bit and remembered to rock out :D
  5. Svartmetall

    Some 7 on Marty Friedman's live DVD

    He's always been one of my favourite players, great tone and feel...'Dragon's Kiss' is still one of my favourite guitar albums, even now.
  6. Svartmetall

    Anchorhead Darth Metal live!

    LOL, that's great! Made my evening...and may just have finally pushed me over the edge towards getting a 8-string... Maybe they come from Mosh Eisley :p
  7. Svartmetall

    27-frets under 800 us dollar ?

    Like Uli Roth's Sky guitar...?
  8. Svartmetall

    New RG7620 Swirl

    Yay, thanks for that...:D
  9. Svartmetall

    27-frets under 800 us dollar ?

    I have a prototype EC-29 with the carrying handle :D
  10. Svartmetall

    Info for UK peeps thinking of buying one of the Agile 8-strings

    - or, in fact, any other guitars from abroad. I'd been wondering about how much I'd be likely to get stung for Customs duty etc. if I went for one of the Agile 8s, so I rang the Customs & Excise people (very nice + helpful, actually) and found out the following info: The customs code for...
  11. Svartmetall

    10-String arrives at last...

    There's some good info about ten-string tunings here: Ten -String Guitar I'm probably going to go with the Yepes tuning for now...
  12. Svartmetall

    The Official Agile ERG Thread

    Come on, it's still stupidly cheap really :)
  13. Svartmetall

    The Official Agile ERG Thread

    Any idea how much shipping to the UK would work out at on top of the (extremely reasonable) price of the instrument...?
  14. Svartmetall

    10-String arrives at last...

    My new toy arrived this morning: Yay! Finally they sent the right guitar...the setup's fairly dodgy at the moment (not least the very uneven spacing at the nut) and I'm reasonably sure the 7th string shouldn't be a nylon one...but the tone is actually pretty good straight out of the box...
  15. Svartmetall

    My Ibanez RG2228 is on the way!

    Gah, Americans get everything so cheap :fawk:
  16. Svartmetall

    Orfea 10 strings from Thomann...

    Well, it finally arrived today. And they've sent me a fucking 7-string instead of the 10-string! GRRRRRRR. NOT happy about this. I've already emailed their customer services and am now waiting to hear back from them.
  17. Svartmetall

    Orfea 10 strings from Thomann...

    They just emailed me to say it won't be until some time in April... Grrr!
  18. Svartmetall

    Orfea 10 strings from Thomann...

    *sigh* Still's driving me crazy...
  19. Svartmetall

    Nyatoh Eight String

    Yow, damn nice work there :D can't wait to see how this one turns out
  20. Svartmetall

    Questions about used Ibanez at GC

    Hell, I'd say that's a lot of guitar for $500; at current exchange rates that's like £250 or so, and believe me I'd jump at an S7420 for £250 :D...