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    NFEGDC Day!!! ENGL being the operative word!

    Enjoy your new cab! I have ENGL 2x12 Pro myself and it`s a very nice cab.
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    Framus Cobra, Engl Powerball, Peavey 6505+ (UK/EU)

    That Cobra looks badass :agreed:
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    A Birthday Question

    ^ I second to that
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    So how good is ENGL Blackmore for metal?

    I`ve had Fireball 60 for several months and to me it was overly compressed and also I didn`t like that there was a little usable gain range. It went from no to really high gain too fast. I played Blackmore and I liked the sound very much. Maybe a bit too harsh but I think it is manageable. It...
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    Engl Savage 120 or Peavey 6505+

    I played both of them and would pick up Savage 120 over 6505 any day of the week. Just a personal preference.
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    New 2x12. Orange, Engl or Mesa?

    I own ENGL 2x12 Pro cab with V30 and I A/B`d it with Orange 212 that our second guitarist had. Amps we used: my ENGL E520 preamp paired with hand made poweramp Mesa Boogie Dual rectifier (2ch) Laney VH100R ENGL had bigger and tighter bottom...
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    High-gainers and smaller cabs?

    I haven`t tried any 1x12 yet (I`m fan of 2x12 sound/portability ratio) but if I were you, I would check Mesa Thiele 1x12 cab. I`ve heard good things about it.
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    Making an Amon Amarthish Rig?

    I`ve got Fate Of Norns sound easily with the setup: Jackson WRXT with active pickups -> BOSS SD-1 -> Mesa Dual Recto -> Orange cab
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    Engl E650 Blackmore or Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier

    Soundwise I prefer Blackmore over recto but shared EQ is a deal-breaker for me.
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    Cabs for ENGL Blackmore?

    I played Blackmore through ENGL V30 and V60 box. I was quite surprised how good standard V60 box sounded. The sound was full and articulated. According to speaker characteristics it should be muddy but it wasn`t. I must say that Powerball II sounded nowhere near as good as Blackmore through...
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    NGD: Jackson Content

    Binding - that`s what I miss on my SL3 too
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    String Tension Super Thread (Got a string question? Post it here!)

    I use 11-54 for drop C (DR strings DDT). I used them also for drop C# and I liked that tight fell.