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  1. M

    The BlacKat Guitars thread

    hi mr tomek first i would like to congrgulate you for creating blackat guitars it seems like a great guitar company that actually listens to her customers and treats them decantly.:metal: i am currently planning nb buying my first seven string and i would really like it to ba a blackat...
  2. M

    NGD - Koa + Headless=x + Carvin

    very cool NGD
  3. M

    Zoltan Bathory's hideous new sig

    guess he just thoght he is like some vai with a "monkey grip":wallbash:
  4. M

    Noob: please help me find a 7 string!

    hey guys pretty new to the forum though iv read here a lot. i would really aprreiciate if you can help my find my first seven. :metal: the specs im looking for are such: body: mahogany (if not available then ash) neck: hardwood like maple fretboard: preferably maple, guess i could use a...
  5. M

    NGD: ESP Ben Savage BS-7

    thanks that really settled my concerns! but does the neck pu get a rich petrucci / michael romeo voicing or is it closer to malmsteen\loomis\becker tone? thanks again
  6. M

    NGD: ESP Ben Savage BS-7

    hey, does it sound bright and djenty? or can it cope with say a jeff loomis low end tonewise?
  7. M

    BS-7 question

    Hey guys, :wavey: im new to this forum and in search for buying my first seven string. i have my eye on the LTD BS-7 for a while and i like the fact that its got awesome passive stock pickups, a bare maple neck and a floyd. im pretty digging the maple fretboard too. my only concern is about...
  8. M

    7 string Guitar scales

    hey! first time on forum here. im thinking of ordering a seven string agile interceptor pro custom guitar anyhow i wondering about the scale length will it work to have a 25.5 scale? i got pretty small hands and its hard for me to picture myself playing something bigger another oddity is...