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  1. lctdmf

    I present you with this awesome picture.

    For sure man, at night he barks at my reflection in the window (when I'm right behind him, with the lights on). It's pretty funny actually. <3 Oden.
  2. lctdmf

    I present you with this awesome picture.

    Here is my dog, his name is Oden, and he's about 6 Months, and 1 Week old. He's a Presa-Canario Mastiff, and the colouring is called brindle I believe. :rofl::rofl: By the way, he's barking in this picture. I tried to distract him with the flash of the camera, but to no avail...
  3. lctdmf

    Building BlackDroïd 7V

    I think it was a good thing the first one happened to break apart. The figuring on this Mahogany is amazing, hopefully it will pop out a lot with the oil, great work Patrick.
  4. lctdmf

    Help me ID my guitar?

    Okay so a couple years ago I went to a store called "Crossroads Guitars", and picked up this guitar for $700. Supposedly the guy who works at crossroads said that the guitar is made by Tokai (infact, it had a "Made in Japan" sticker on the back, when Dillions are made in Korea), but that...
  5. lctdmf

    Is anyone else disappointed?

    I don't like PRS guitars without a carve.. They look, odd.
  6. lctdmf

    Just ordered an Angile Hornet 7 pro

    C'mon take some outdoor photos! All I can see in that picture is the hardware.
  7. lctdmf

    Agile Septor 727

    Nice guitar! Love that flare too :P
  8. lctdmf

    I need a mockup to try to cure me of my GAS...Help?

    We need Darren for this.. Hah. I would do it, but my photoshop skills have gone down the drain in the past while.
  9. lctdmf

    NGD: Make a run to the border edition! (pic heavy)

    Congratulations! :D Only time I got to play a 2228, I didn't have a pick.. But I've got my own 8 now anyways.. :P
  10. lctdmf

    Looking to buy an Agile

    So, I was browsing through, and I found the "Agile PS-970 Floyd Rose" guitar (Agile PS-970 Floyd Black at HomeOld). For $300, it looks like a STEAL. Also looks very classy, and I could use this guitar for when I play in standard or open tunings (usually I'm in Drop A or...
  11. lctdmf

    Sherman 8 String in the STUDIO VIDEO for our Prosthetic Records debut! New SONG!

    Nice playing, to everyone in that video. Jabba the hut dying is also, win.
  12. lctdmf

    8 string build

    Do you mean the scarf joint? I had to do it like that or else it wouldn't have been long enough.. Also,
  13. lctdmf

    8 string build

    whoa, what's this? more pictures later.. When I can use a better camera.
  14. lctdmf

    New The Faceless Stuff

    I know this is drum forum.. But I don't like how they started to add singing in their songs.. It's kind of annoying in metal (imo).
  15. lctdmf

    My Custom RGA7MOL

    Someday I would love to buy from you Elysian.. I guess I'll need to get a job first though.. :) Great work on that thing, and that tone you have is amazing.
  16. lctdmf

    What the fuck!?

    Anyone catch how the description says "All gold hardware"? When in fact it's all black? Just thought I would point that out for fun :)
  17. lctdmf

    Caparison Horus Yellow Sand Photos (~20 Pics, Be Patient!)

    Thanks for the Caparison GAS! Great pictures.
  18. lctdmf

    Dean SplitTail From Hell

    I would lol if someone made a les paul RR V combo.. oh god, just imagine that in your head..
  19. lctdmf

    Darren's Magical Intrepid Modification Day

    guitarfetish also sells pure black switches. Nice mods.