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  1. Th3 Beyond

    Idea (E530/Guitar Rig) Clean test

    what i said, and i think its just stock settings on the digital man mod. I honestly wasnt sure how this preamp would do with cleans but im surprisingly happy with the results so far.
  2. Th3 Beyond

    Idea (E530/Guitar Rig) Clean test

    e530>maudio solo FW>Reaper>impulses> Guitar Rig on clean tracks for reverb and delay effectz I was using the Reaper delay plugin but these guitar rig effects seem easier to dial in to my likings.
  3. Th3 Beyond

    Finished track, hows the sound?

    Try quad tracking. Its twice the bitch but it helped me out greatly when i was having thin tone issues. youll prob have to adjust ur settings some, mainly in the bass department. Dont rely too much on post eq, you cant polish a turd. My 2 cents Nice track btw. different=awesome around here.
  4. Th3 Beyond

    Idea (E530/Guitar Rig) Clean test

    Thanks guy. <grand rapids=""><<< Grand Rapids Theres alot of Michiganders on here. Now thats refreshing.</grand>
  5. Th3 Beyond


    What snare is that? I really like that snare.
  6. Th3 Beyond

    Idea (E530/Guitar Rig) Clean test

    Something i was playing around with last night... Good clean tone test anyway. Used Guitar Rig for effects. No bass <div style="width:473px; border:solid #999999 1px; background-image:url('')"> <a...
  7. Th3 Beyond

    About to record some vox!

    wish i could hear it..
  8. Th3 Beyond

    LePou LeCab 1.0 cab impulse plugin...HELP

    I cant get lecab to sound like boox, its weird.
  9. Th3 Beyond

    Teh Heauveeessss (PODX3 Big Bottom, Mesa Impulse, Metal Foundry)

    "but it's hard to make out anything the strings are doing" Even though the whole song is one note over and over i would still like it to sound clearer.
  10. Th3 Beyond

    Blood of the Scribe cover - tone test

    Try a low pass at 11500kz, that might help a little with the treb. You dont need a "hi pass vst" just a eq
  11. Th3 Beyond

    Quadform - (E530/Addictive/AmpegSVX)

    Comp outs to interface with just a hpf/lpf pass. Ive come to realize quad tracking with this preamp is where its at.
  12. Th3 Beyond

    Explorer Thrash test. S2.0/LE456/Catharsis

    Sounds pretty good. I did notice the guitars sounded overpowered by something (probably the cymbals) i had to lean foreword to make out what was going on with the riffage. Somethings stealing ur guitar frequencies.
  13. Th3 Beyond

    Blood of the Scribe cover - tone test

    I would say for now the only post eq you should have is a simple HPF.LPF lo/hi pass Get rid of that mid boost and all that shit and focus on getting a good tone straight from the amp first. Start by lowering that treble and maybe turning up the bass some. You cant polish a turd.
  14. Th3 Beyond

    Blood of the Scribe cover - tone test

    Fix the mix before i can comment on tone. Everything sounds so buried and trebly
  15. Th3 Beyond

    Hooray for actual decent metal test! (LE456, s2.0/slate, attention grabber)

    The guitar tone sounds really digital and somewhat fizzy. Try some different impulses. Sounds good other then that.
  16. Th3 Beyond

    Quadform - (E530/Addictive/AmpegSVX)

    Thanks guys
  17. Th3 Beyond

    Feedback in monitors

    Why dont you try some balanced TRS cables?
  18. Th3 Beyond

    Quadform - (E530/Addictive/AmpegSVX)

    I think it will all mesh better with vocals. <div style="width:200px; border:solid #999999 1px; background-image:url('')"> <a href=''> <div style="background-color:width:200px; height:70px...
  19. Th3 Beyond

    o.. Well ill be darn

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